Sunday, April 5, 2020

It’s a Puzzle!

About the time we began isolating because of the coronavirus, I began working on a puzzle.  It was 1,000 pieces, and was a picture with the title, “I Am the Light”.  The original artwork was the work of a man by the name of Danny Hahlbohm, and was copyrighted in 1999.  The picture features a lighthouse overlooking stormy waters, with the silhouette of the hands of Jesus outstretched on either side.  It was a message I needed to be reminded of often over the past couple of weeks!

As I was working on finding spots for the last pieces, I felt God telling me, “See, it all came together. Each piece had a purpose in completing the finished picture, and so it will be when we look back on the story of a strange virus invading the world, disrupting lives in 2020.”  It sure would be nice to figure out how the pieces of THAT puzzle fit together, but for now I must concentrate on the most common words I hear from God when I question Him.

1) Do not fear
2) Trust Me
3) This will all work together for good in the end

This evening our daughter had an interesting post on her Facebook page.  Apparently, she was helping her daughter clean her room, and came across a note written in bright green marker in the 10 year old’s handwriting.  She gave her mom permission to share, so I’m hoping she doesn’t mind Grandma sharing it, too;

"Faith's 4 Step Reminders for Trusting God"

1. Talk to God about each need.
2. Believe that God will meet each need.
3. Choose to have a good attitude.
4. Praise God for His helping you.

My assignment for the week. . .and yours. . .is remembering to focus on these lists and the One who inspired them. . .JESUS, who is THE LIGHT that will guide us through this storm, however long it might last!

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