Thursday, April 23, 2020

A Matter of Perspective

Rocks have always been an attraction in my life, clear back to times when they were collected and saved as treasures, or pounded with a hammer to reveal what was inside. [Yikes!  That probably wasn’t the safest thing to do, but it’s what happened growing up on a farm!!😂]

Lately, my eyes are always on the lookout for heart shaped rocks for my anticipated “rock garden”.  I have yet to decide where to locate it, but quite often find new rocks to add to the collection.  Along with each new rock there seems to come a lesson.

Yesterday’s rock gave me a lesson on perspective.  It caught my eye with a nice little heart shape smiling up at me, as if it was just yearning to be a part of my rock garden.  I obliged, and pocketed my find, later bringing it back out for inspection.  To my surprise, this is what I saw:

It certainly didn’t have much of a heart shape at all.  What had I seen when I picked it up that made me think, “heart”??  Slowly rotating the rock in my hand, I saw things from a different perspective, and the little heart once again smiled at me:

How often in our lives does this happen?  We observe something happening in our world, offering criticism because we see only one side of the story.  Sadly, very few go out of their way to seek out another perspective before making judgement.  It brings to mind the old saying about “walking a mile in someone else’s shoes”.   Chances are you would gain new knowledge and be a bit less judgmental.

Even in the midst of this current COVID-19 crisis, there is likely much we do not currently see.  Give it time for a new perspective to be revealed, and in the meantime, hang in there!  God is with you!  He is still sovereign over it all!  Be encouraged today by this song by Michael W. Smith:

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