Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Give and Take in Life

Over the course of the last couple of months, we have all noticed a downturn in the economic structure of our country.  COVID-19 has certainly been a factor, with many businesses closed, and people asked to shelter in place.  In our area of western North Dakota, many have been affected due to the "bust" of the oil field industry.  The low price of gas is nice, but the trade off is many families facing unemployment.  It was refreshing to hear the testimony of a mother this morning in church who told of her sons losing their jobs.  Their reaction was, "God will take care of us."

In our community, we have a 1% city sales tax which goes into a "Spirit Fund".  According to its statement of purpose, is was established to aid in jobs development, retention, and capital expenses for the city.  Thus, it seemed a likely place to look to when businesses started experiencing a downturn due to the shutdown associated with the current pandemic facing our world.

As of this week-end, the board governing over this fund met to review a number of application requests for $5,000 "Pandemic Relief Forgivable Loan" funds.  As a group, they allocated $125,000 to be set aside for this particular need.  It started out labeled as "grants", but was later changed to the "forgivable loan" title.

Please know I am not against our City using this money to help businesses who are desperately hurting.  It appears to me, however, this was a solution created before there was ever a need expressed.  Isn't that what they used to call, "putting the cart before the horse"?  Other than our local newspaper applying for a grant, no other business in our area had expressed a need to the board.

This coming week we will see the results of the Spirit Fund Board's meeting.  At this point, I am unaware of who will be getting which funds, or if the entire $125,000 will be allocated.  It will be interesting to learn the details at tomorrow night's City Council meeting, as they have the final say whether to approve or reject the applications.

In addition to this local program of funding, there are also many relief packages being offered to the businesses from the Federal Government.  Will those seeking funding on the local level also be taking advantage of opportunities to receive funds in other ways?  Perhaps my biggest question to anyone who has applied is, "Did this downturn of events seriously affect your lifestyle, and would you have been able to continue without these extra funds?"  Not being a member of the board, I wasn't able to offer my opinion, and am only throwing the question out as a "watcher from the sidelines".

The Bible says it is more blessed to give than receive.  I'm not sure how this applies when it comes to evaluating the outcome of the $125,000 by the Spirit Fund.  We are a blessed community to have the funds available, but what concerns me is the fact there wasn't a desperate need expressed prior to the time the solution was created.

Overall, the people of our community are generous people.  You can see this anytime a benefit or fundraiser is held.  There have also been glimpses into the generosity of people during these challenging times.  One particular case I heard of was an individual who walked into a local establishment and handed them $100 just because they had been unable to spend their usual amount with the business during the times of isolation.  That is the spirit of a true giver!

The German blood in me is always seeking out the "right answers" to whatever is before me.  Often the answers that unfold don't line up with my perspective.  When this happens, I have to give it over to God and trust He is at work in and through all things.

Meanwhile, take a look at your own current situation, and decide which category you would like to be in.  Are you a giver or a taker?  If you are considered one of those who are "rich in this world", the Bible has a command for you:

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.  Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."
1 Timothy 6:17-18

It has been encouraging, over the last month or two, to see the outpouring of generosity in our nation from those in the "wealthy tier".  In particular, I have heard of many sports players and entertainment people who have given of their abundance to help those in need.

As for right now, God has been supplying all my needs, for which I am grateful.  It always challenges me to look at others less fortunate and think, but for the grace of God, I could be in their position.  According to both Matthew 26:11 and Mark 14:7, Jesus says we will always have poor among us.  Perhaps this is to help us learn the blessing of giving on a personal level.  Meanwhile, God has allowed this current state of affairs for all of us.  Give when you can, take when you must, but mostly remember to allow God to be at work in the midst of it all!          

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