Saturday, May 23, 2020

[Not!] According to Plan

Had you asked any of the students who started school in the fall of 2019 how they thought the school year would end, likely none of them would have come close to describing the outcome.  Usually, we think we have a pretty good idea of how the "school year book" reads,  but this time there was a real twist in the plot!

Tonight we attended an open house for one of the graduates here at Divide County High School in Crosby, ND.  Tomorrow they will have a ceremony in the gym, as in other years, but there will be some major differences.  Each graduate will only be allowed 8 guests, and everyone will be required to wear a mask. 

We will be on the road to Dickinson, ND tomorrow to help our niece celebrate her graduation, which will be held on a football field.  In a small town to the west of us, the graduates sat on a flatbed trailer, while their guests observed from cars.  Lots of creativity has been used this year to accommodate the ongoing challenges given us by COVID-19.  Things haven't gone as originally planned, but somehow it is all a part of God's plan for each of these graduates.

As I pondered how to relay "taking things as they come", it seemed far too simplistic.  Instead, I will point you to my daughter's blog, and let you read her take on the end of the school year.  She compares it to her son running cross country, and focuses on the shoes needed to effectively run the race.  Then she talks about the shoes God requires us to wear as we put on the full armor of God. 

According to Ephesians 6:10-18, we are to have our feet fitted with the gospel of peace.  Peace in the midst of whatever comes your way. . .planned or unplanned.  Hopefully, you will take time to read her perspective.  It really is a good one!  You can access her blog here:

To all who are graduating in 2020, know God has great plans for you!  Keep your eyes on Jesus, and allow the Holy Spirit to gently guide you in the right direction.  Things won't always go as planned, but with your feet in those "gospel of peace" shoes, you will go far!

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