Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday Moments

Last night, as I was visiting my Aunt Sue, I expressed there was nothing on my "to-do" list for my Monday this week.  It was a busy week-end, and I was thankful to have a day with no special obligations.  As I left from the visit, she told me I should "sleep until noon" to rest up, and it was accomplished.  I did wake up earlier, and got out of bed to take my morning Thyroid pill, plus drink my usual 2 glasses of water to start the day, one without lemon juice added, and one with.  But the bed still looked inviting, so I returned, and was awakened by our "noon whistle".  It was good to feel rested!

After a breakfast/lunch of Rice Krispies with banana slices and aronia berries [more on these in a later blog!] I munched on watermelon slices while my hubby had his noon sandwich.  Then I filled my three hummingbird feeders with the sugar water I had boiled up last night.  I had been told to simple use 1 part sugar to 4 parts water, and avoid the red syrups you can buy.  Turns out it is healthier for the busy little creatures.  They usually show up in our community around the end of July, and I had yet to see one.  Looking out the window, I spotted my first one. . .not on the feeders, but on the flowers below.  Will be watching for more in the days ahead!

Laundry needed tending, as it always is a never ending chore.  Sorting, I ended up with four piles, which will be tackled throughout the day.  It is such a blessing to now have my very own cheery laundry room, which came after 40 years of having my washer/dryer tucked in a closet in the bathroom.  I am so thankful for my husband and son who have been working on a remodel project over the past several years, which not only gave me a laundry room, but a larger bedroom, a sunroom, and a yet to be designed office space.

Sometimes it is the little things which stir my heart to a prayer of thanksgiving.  My son showed up while I was fixing the bed, asking if I could help tie his shoes.  He can do a lot one handed after his accident, but shoe tying is not on the list.  Somehow, as I did the simple task, it transported my mind back in time to when he was a little boy in need of assistance.  I was thankful to still be available when he needed me, all these years later.  A noise outside the window alerted me to look, and I saw my husband and his cousin moving some vehicles and a trailer.  I was thankful for this helper while his usual "right hand man" is out of commission for a time.

Seeing some songbooks in need of tucking away, I decided to sit down and plunk out a few tunes.  It brought me back to my best friend's house, an old piano, and times of playing songs together and singing from the "Reader's Digest Family Songbook".  This song in particular also brought me back to times of cruising Main Street Crosby in a little white Oldsmobile she drove!

A buzz from the dryer alerts me to the fact there is laundry to fold.  What other moments will fill the rest of my day?  Time will tell, but it is good to know we have a God who is with us in each one of them!

"Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified. . .for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you". ~Deuteronomy 31:6


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