Wednesday, April 13, 2022

What Season Is It, Anyway??

According to our calendars, the first day of spring is March 20.  In North Dakota it is typically the season of warmer temperatures after the cold days of winter.  The added heat in the sun wakes up the sleeping tulips, and soon they begin to break through the soil.  Looking through my Facebook memories today, there was a reminder of what a typical spring day looks like, with blue skies and grass starting to turn green.  According to the post six years ago, it was nice enough to inspire a walk around town, soaking in the sunshine.

Today, however, was not one of those typical spring days.  Instead, we woke up to the sound of the wind howling.  One look out the window verified what the weatherman had been telling us. . .for the next couple of days, we would be blasted with a storm and likely receive more snow than we had all winter.  

So what does one do in the midst of such a storm?  A lifetime of living in North Dakota has taught me the best thing to do is cancel any plans, and “hunker down” until such time the nasty weather subsides.  You know it is a bad storm when the drug store doesn’t open and the grocery store closes early!  The combination of winds and snow made for some pretty good sized drifts by the time the sun went down.  Despite what the calendar was telling us, it certainly was NOT a spring day today!

There is another day marked on our calendars coming up in a few days. . .Easter Sunday. While the first day of spring stays constant in March, the date for Easter fluctuates, and is always the first Sunday after the first full moon following the beginning of spring.  Seems almost as confusing as a winter blizzard hitting a month into spring!

As I thought about the fluctuating weather of spring, and the changing dates of Easter, my mind was thankful for one truth that doesn’t change with either the season or the day. . .three days after Jesus was crucified on a cross and laid in a tomb, He was resurrected and left the tomb empty!  Because of this, we, too, have the promise of life after death if we put our trust in our Risen Savior.  We may have to wear our snow boots to the Easter service this year, but the truth remains. . .He is Risen!  Hallelujah!  He is Risen Indeed!!

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