Saturday, April 30, 2016

Down Memory Road

It was a beautiful evening, one which prompted me to include a short walk on my agenda.  Although I often follow the new sidewalk designed especially for walkers, tonight found me taking a bit of a detour down a favorite street of mine.  Dating back to high school days, this particular street always seemed to be included in our "cruising" times. 

The street layout of Crosby, ND is fairly basic.  Most intersections of streets and avenues cross at a basic 90 degree angle, although the north half of town lines up with the railroad tracks and the south half with the highway going through town, making somewhat of a "kink" in the middle.

This evening I found myself on the one unique street which follows a curve.  Just why this street ended up with a curve is beyond my scope of knowledge, but perhaps it has something to do with the railroad right of way which banks one side of the street.

As I started down the street, I snapped a picture and sent to my best friend from high school days.  She remains just as close (if not closer!) during this stage of life.  With the picture was a short message saying I was thinking of her and our drives down the street in days gone by.

Her reply was not what I expected.  The memory she had was driving in her dad's new car, and looking to avoid two particular young gentlemen.  On the other hand, my memory had me driving (not sure which car!) and continuing on to a street just north of the fairgrounds which had an interesting dip at the intersection.  You wanted to hit it fast enough to get a little thrill bump, but not too fast or the bottom of the car would get a scrape.

Later this evening I found myself once again reminiscing and wondered if somewhere in all of this there was a "God Lesson".  After all, it was Saturday and I was feeling like doing some seeking.  Asking God where the lesson might be, the Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John came to mind.  All four men were friends of Jesus.  After the death, resurrection and ascension of their dear friend, each of them took a trip down memory road and, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, recorded what we now refer to as "the Gospels".  Many of the same stories exist in all four of the memoirs, and yet each had their own unique perspective and some included incidents not documented by the others.

In conclusion, I found myself thankful for memories.  As wonderful as they are, it is also a good thing to have friends who can fill in the memories we may have forgotten.  I so appreciate the four unique perspectives of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which have been preserved over the years to continually inspire us with accounts of the "life and times of our Lord Jesus Christ".  Have you read them lately?  Their stories never grow old!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Blown Away!

The wind has blown all day, something which happens quite often here in North Dakota.  It seemed to be a good reason to get out of town, along with the fact our grandchildren's art was being displayed at an art gallery in downtown Minot, ND.  The drive was two hours for us, and coming from another direction was a vehicle holding the grandchildren, their parents (our daughter and son-in-law) and our son-in-law's parents.  Other than to celebrate birthdays, it isn't often we all get together and it ended up being a fun-filled day.

The display included pictures submitted by students in grades K-12 from many communities in the area, and was quite impressive.  At one time the building had been a bank, but now was wide open areas with lots of wall space to feature the artwork.

It was amazing to see the wide variety of talented art pieces, but of course our favorites were the ones submitted by our grandchildren!
 Flower and Butterfly, by Faith, Age 6
 Desert Creatures, by Benjamin, Age 8

Faith and Benjamin's picture were right next to each other!
 Journey into Space by Jeremiah, Age 10
Jeremiah was surprised to see they had hung his upside down, but was still happy to have it there!
Daniel, who is almost 4, wasn't old enough to display an art piece, but he was proud to be there in support of his brothers and sister.  The entire family was wearing matching shirts featuring a drawing of Faith's which had been entered in a contest for the "Week of the Young Child".  As the winner, her artwork was featured on the T-shirts which were sold during the "Kids Day Out" event in Williston.

The remainder of the day was spent checking out a wonderful store called, "Main Street Books", having a snack at the mall and then enjoying a meal together at "Pizza Ranch".  Before parting ways we decided it would be a good idea to take this kind of "family outing" again. . .maybe next time it won't be so windy and we can check out the Minot Zoo!


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Contest Winning Entry

This is the article I submitted in the contest:

TIME TO GROW, originally written 5/29/10

Springtime is all about planting. Farmers in our area have been busy seeding their fields and stopped only because the wet weather has prevented them from continuing. On a smaller scale, the two greenhouses in town have been selling bedding plants which find their homes in planters, pots and creative containers around town. As I observed all the plants available, there were dreams of flower gardens in my side and backyard, nicely arranged and planned to provide beauty and bursts of color throughout the summer months. Then reality hit and I wondered when the rain would stop long enough to get the few plants I had chosen in the dirt.

Maintaining plants requires a bit of discipline, with special attention paid to whether or not they are in need of water. Having allowed myself one hanging planter, there was now a daily routine of checking to see if watering was required. It was looking quite beautiful with lots of pink and burgundy blossoms. Then came the busy week. A flurry of activities had us coming and going and suddenly I realized I had missed my watering duty for a day. . .or was it two? As I looked out the front door, I saw drooping flowers and curled up leaves. The plant was desperately in need of hydration. . .but was it too late? Quickly I drenched the plant and hoped it would come back to life while I was away for the evening. Thankfully, the plant revived and I've been more careful in the days since.

Tomorrow the ladies of our congregation will be in charge of the church service. The materials we received to put the service together centered around the theme of “Thirsty?”, with the theme verse coming from Psalm 42:2 where David said, “I thirst for God, the living God”. Studying the lessons, I realized, much like the hanging plant, my soul needed regular watering to insure beauty would be reflected to those around me. As I reviewed the story of the woman at the well in John 4, it was a blessing to realize the living water offered by Jesus is still available to those who thirst today.

God touched my life with one more “plant lesson” this week. It came from the petunias awaiting their new home in the tiered planters by our front steps. They have been moved back and forth, in and out of our garage according to the weather of the day. They are obviously at two different stages of growth, with the smaller plants looking a healthier green. You could see the larger plants were becoming root bound in the plastic containers and thus losing their color.

As I contemplated their need to grow, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart about our growth as Christians. Could there be a need to “spread our roots” beyond the barriers of the church walls? It's one thing to maintain our spiritual existence within the comforts of church life. It's another to think about what could happen if we allowed our “roots” to work their way through the “dirt” of our world. With my plants, spreading roots means bigger and more beautiful plants, eventually producing flowers to brighten the world. Could the same hold true if we, as Christians, would break past the barriers of tradition?

As I write, the sun is breaking through the clouds and I'm thinking I could even do some planting tonight. I'm thankful for the people who planted the seeds and nurtured the young plants to this point. From here on, they will be dependent on my care. In 1 Corinthians 3, Paul talks about planting, watering and growth. Though one person plants the seed and another waters it, only God can make it grow. The same holds true in the spiritual realm. Each of us has a task to do. Are you a seed planter? Plant God's Word in the heart of those around you and sow seeds of kindness. Are you one who waters? Find those who are thirsty and offer them the living water of Jesus. Finally, trust God will allow the growth to happen in His perfect way and timing.

Contest Winner!

About two weeks ago there was an advertisement over Facebook to enter a writing contest.  As someone who enjoys writing, it caught my attention and I decided to look through some of my past devotional writings to find one which might be suitable to submit.  The one which caught my eye was originally written on May 29, 2010 and with some minor editing it qualified for the character count asked for in the contest.

The deadline for the contest was only a few days away, so I anxiously anticipated being notified over email of the results.  Not hearing anything on the days I had expected, I chalked it up to another "sorry, not this time" experience.

Then came the phone call.  A pleasant voice indicated she was from the publishing company behind the contest, and she was pleased to let me know I had taken second place.  Because of this, they were offering me one of their premium publishing packages, which normally would cost around $1,800.00.  My emotions ran from excitement to apprehension about the validity of the company.  For years I have prayed God would at some point allow me the opportunity to publish some of my writings.  Was this the means or was there a better way elsewhere?

After indicating she would email some materials outlining my winnings, she told me she would call me back in about a week to further discuss my options and answer any questions I might have.  Questions?  I was sure there were many I should ask, but wasn't familiar enough with the industry to know what to ask.  Thankfully, I knew of several people who had self-published in the past, so reached out for advice and was grateful to them for what they offered.

This morning the second call came through, and I now have a piece of paper with lots of jotted notes as to what the process entails and what to expect in results should a book actually materialize.  Again, I found myself asking God, "Is this the direction you want me to go?'

With my mind spinning, I picked up the little devotional book I recently acquired.  The name of the book is "Talk to Me, Jesus" by Marie Chapian.  Because of our busy week-end, I was several days behind, and began listening to what God had to say through the daily meditations.

These are some of the things Jesus was speaking to me in the readings:
. . .your life is enriched with many gifts.
I've given you talents to multiply, so you can be a channel of blessing.
I have many doors open for you.
I'm lifting you out of obscurity and guiding you with grace and integrity.
Think of yourself as a new person today, a person capable of great things.
I want to show you great and mighty things you haven't even considered.
When you call on Me, I answer you, but look at your requests.  Are your requests too small?
Finally I was caught up, and this was the message I found waiting for today:
It's time to prepare yourself.
Your future is in My hands,
and just beyond your sight
are wonderful things yet to come
which you don't know.
You won't have to wait long
or bake in the oven of transition forever;
I'm doing a work in you
that will withstand
the fiery darts of the devil.
Breathe in the power of My Word
and get ready for breakthrough!
Wow!  Deep breath!  Prayers asking for wisdom and discernment as to how to proceed.  Won't you join me in those prayers?  There will be another call from the publishing company in a week, and I was encouraged to pray about it and talk to family and friends.  (This particular company markets itself as a "Christian Publisher".)  I find myself quoting a passage my mother-in-law often shares:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge God,
and He will direct your path.
~Proverbs 3:5-6
Today I do trust in the Lord.  I'm asking Him to help me to lean on His understanding and not mine.  I also acknowledge any writing skills I have are only because of God, and it is for His glory I want them to be published.  So thankful He has promised to direct my path!


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Miracles from Heaven!

It has been a busy week-end.  Next month my mother-in-law will turn 85 and this was the week-end her children could be with her to celebrate. . .all ten of them!  Add in some spouses, grandchildren and great grandchildren and you have a group of about seventy people gathered to honor this wonderful matriarch of the family.

It may not have taken a miracle to get everyone there, but looking around the senior citizen center it was clear to see the miraculous way the family has multiplied over the years.  A short program allowed family members to share their talents to honor this special lady, and lots of good food was devoured.  Fellowship was at a premium, and it is safe to say a good time was had by all.

Today, with extended family all headed back home, the day was strangely quiet.  A nap in the afternoon was refreshing, and in the evening we headed up Main Street to the Dakota Theatre for a showing of the movie, "Miracles from Heaven".  It was nice to see parked cars lined on either side of the street as we approached and a larger than average crowd of attenders inside the theatre.

The story itself centers around a family from Texas dealing with a rare health issue in one of their three daughters.  In a strange turn of events, a three story fall into the hollow of a tree leaves her with only minor bruises and a complete healing of her rare disorder.  Later, in talking to her parents, she reveals she visited heaven and talked to God during her time in the tree prior to being rescued.

After their experience, the family wanted to share their story because it opened their eyes to the miracles all around them.  Sometimes, as in their case, people are on the receiving end of miracles and other times God uses us to be the miracle in the life of someone else.  

As we returned to our vehicle and started for home, the CD player was playing a Michael W. Smith album by the name of "Sovereign".  I didn't recall it even being on as we made our way to the theatre, but now the music touched my heart as it played a song entitled, "Miracle"!  What are the odds of that?  As the day ends, I find myself reflecting on the words of the song.  They suggest  we are all miracles in God's eyes as we allow Him to take away those things which leave us rebelling, restless, blind and out of control.  A simple cry for hope and God always finds a way to break the chains of sin and leave us with a miracle burning bright within us.

Take time to read through the lyrics, reflect, and if you have a chance, see the movie.  Be challenged to see the miracle of God's saving power at work in your life and open your eyes to see the miracles He has planted all around you.  When given the opportunity, be the miracle someone else needs in their life!

A rebel heart
A restless soul
I lost my sight
I lost control
A cry for hope
Could I be saved
You found a way
You found a way

Your miracle is burning bright in me
I was a slave, and now I'm free
I'm lifting high these broken chains
You always find a way
I am a miracle
I am a miracle

The war was lost
Before Your blood
Before the cross
My shame no more
My curse no more
You made a way, yeah
You made a way

Your miracle is burning bright in me
I was a slave, and now I'm free
I'm lifting high these broken chains
You always find a way
I am a miracle
I am a miracle

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
I once was lost
But now I'm found

Your miracle is burning bright in me
I was a slave, and now I'm free
I'm lifting high these broken chains
You always find a way
I am a miracle