Friday, January 26, 2018

Do What You Can

My husband and I have lived in our home for over 40 years now.  Other than putting in a few new floor coverings, little has changed.  So never have I had to experience a remodel project. . .until now.  It has been an interesting and challenging project, one which is far from over.  It is exciting, but such a mess!

First of all, there is the 40+ years of "stuff" to contend with.  Suddenly rooms and closets are having to be emptied to make way for the changes.  I do believe once it gets out in the open, some kind of internal combustion takes place and it multiplies in size.  Or else we were just very good at "tucking things away!"

One day this week, I walked into my bedroom after breakfast and thought to myself, "Is there any sense in even fixing the bed?"  There are random boxes all over the house, and did I mention there is a mattress and dresser in the middle of my living room?  Yes, things are in disarray, and there is no hope of maintaining any sense of order.

In the end, I did fix the bed, and have been trying to make a point of doing so each morning.  It is the one small thing I can do every day to maintain a piece of "normal" in my crazy, mixed up world.  As I have been doing so, God seemed to whisper a little message to my inner spirit.

"I know how you're feeling," He said.  "I've got my own remodel project going on in the world, trying to make it a better place.  Sometimes it seems for every step of progress made, we're taking two steps back.  But the good thing is, in the end, it will be such a great new world!  So if things are in a mess, just do what you can each day, even if it's just making the bed, and before you know it, in My time, everything will be fresh and new."

It's amazing how beneficial a little conversation with God in your head can be!

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