Thursday, January 4, 2018

"Read Through the Bible" - UPDATE

Earlier this week I shared the beginnings of my challenge to read through the Bible this year.  I even created a Facebook Group and challenged others to join me.  Some have.  As part of my role as group moderator, I have felt led to share my own personal thoughts after reading the day's assignment.  Today was a longer assignment, and this was my commentary:

"So, how many of you made it through Isaiah 1-6?? Thankfully, I had the four hour drive home from Bismarck in which to tackle it!

It's a sad tale, but one which has been repeated often through the years. . .a rebellious nation, a need to seek, a promise from the Lord that He wants to reason with us and make our scarlet sins as white as snow. And that's just the first chapter!

It goes on to tell about a coming time when the Lord is coming to make things right. He asks us to stop trusting in man. He tells us there will be judgment, but His Branch will be beautiful and glorious, and bloodstains will be cleansed. His Branch will be a shelter and shade, a refuge and a hiding place from the storms of life.

I found the "Woes" in chapter 5 interesting. At some point I had underlined verse 8. . ."Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you live alone in the land." That's an interesting picture, but one that made me think of the big apartment complexes. Lots of people together in one place, but so many alone in each "house".

Other woes. . .to those who are up early and stay up late drinking; to those who live in deceit, to those who want to set God's timetable instead of letting Him do things in His time; to those who are "wise in their own eyes"; to those who deny justice.

After all this, in chapter 6 we find the Lord seated on a throne looking for someone to send with His message to the people. It is a challenging message to people who hear, but don't understand, see, but don't perceive, have calloused hearts, dull ears and blind eyes. Somehow I see this as a picture of our world today. God is still looking for messengers. Are you willing to be one?

Tomorrow we get to read from the NEW TESTAMENT! We start in Matthew, the first of four Gospels. Makes me think of a recent song with a good message. Have a listen!"
Ryan Stevenson - The Gospel (Official Lyric Video)
If you are interested in joining our Bible reading journey, contact me through Facebook, or my email, which is   Only when we spend time reading God's Word will we learn to recognize His voice in our everyday world!

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