Sunday, January 14, 2018

Week-end Recap

It has been an exciting week-end for Vikings fans.  My husband has been one ever since I first starting dating him.  After so many unsuccessful years, it has been fun to follow the Vikings road to a last second victory tonight. 

This blog post, however, isn't really about the Vikings and their win.  It's about recapping an event I attended earlier this week-end at my daughter's church.  Every year the ladies of their church put together a fun night for women with fancy tables, a good speaker, and lots of fun fellowship.  I was especially proud of the two beautiful tables put together by my daughter and 8 year old granddaughter:

The first table utilized my daughter's beautiful white "wedding china" and had a "silver and gold" theme.  She borrowed placemats, napkins, and goblets from her mother-in-law, and the gold ornament tree from me.  She says she's not very good at this sort of thing, but I beg to differ!

The response from ladies wanting to attend led the organizers to ask if anyone would take on doing a second table.  This one was simpler, using paper plates and disposable utensils, but was every bit as appealing in a different sort of way!
Prior to eating a delicious meal of lettuce salad, lasagna, veggies, and garlic bread, my granddaughter and I made the rounds of the tables, "oo-ing" and "ah-ing" over the creativity displayed.  Here is a little peek at what we saw:















The organizers were clever in serving the meal on clear, plastic plates so we would get the effect of eating off the pretty dishes without dirtying them.  Pretty lemon cupcakes finished off the meal as our dessert. 

The speaker for the evening was a young woman who recently returned from traveling around the world with an organization called YWAM (Youth With A Mission), and she gave a challenging message, along with sharing pictures from her journey.

Since the weather has been extremely cold, and we wouldn't be getting done until after 9:00pm, I opted to spend the night at my daughter's to avoid traveling after dark.  This gave added "Grandma Time" with my granddaughter and three grandsons.

So, there you have it.  I didn't enjoy the excitement of attending a Vikings game in Minneapolis, but still experienced a winning event!  Who knows?  Perhaps this could inspire some of us to do a similar event here in Crosby!  Let me know if you would enjoy helping organize one!



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