Friday, August 23, 2019

"Can You Hear Me?"

Today started out on the gloomy side. . .a sprinkling of rain, and cloudiness which made it hard for me to get motivated.  It has been on my mind for quite some time to get back into a regular routine of blogging, but, for whatever reason, it hasn't happened.  Time which could be used blogging instead gets eaten up scrolling through Facebook.  While doing so this morning, God planted this on my news feed:

It was like God was speaking directly to my heart.  "Can you hear Me now as I interrupt your scroll time? Don't feel like you have to create some grand plan on how you could get back into blogging.  Just start by writing one for Me today."  And so I did. . .along with this bonus post explaining why it happened!  

One of the special gifts God has given me in life is the ability to write.  I do feel it is a means by which He desires to use me in getting His message out into the world.  Hopefully I can do better in the days to come.    

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