Monday, August 26, 2019

The Heavens Declare!

What a day it has been!  We left home bright and early at 7am, headed down the highway to Bismarck, where I had a doctor appointment scheduled.  By chance, we discovered some of our good friends from the ND Legislature were also in town, so we met them for lunch at the Capitol.  It was fun to catch up, and enjoy a time of sweet fellowship.

Since a Legislative meeting was on the schedule for Wednesday, we had two choices.  We could either make the 4 hour trek to back to Crosby, and return in two days, or we could find something to keep us occupied until then.

With my birthday coming up in a few days, one option was to head west to the wonderful, little community of Medora, ND.  It would be only half the drive, and we could take in the musical at their outdoor amphitheatre.  It is something we try to do each summer, and to this point had not found the time.  The decision was made, and down the road we ventured

What I was not expecting was the variety of “sky scenes” we would experience over the course of the evening.  Psalm 19:1 tells us,

“The heavens declare the glory of God; 
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

With this being the case, God outdid Himself over the course of a few hours time.  There were times when I wondered if “the show would go on,” with the threat of rain looming often, and more than once a round of sprinkles.  As it turned out, the show started about fifteen minutes late, and a good time was had by all (or at least the two in our party!)

Here are some pictures to allow you to share in God’s handiwork for the day!

1 comment:

  1. I love looking at clouds. Your pics are beautiful. On our way home on Sunday,we saw clouds that looked like ribbons of angels which was a beautiful sign to me of my sister who just passed. Wished I could have taken a picture but doesn't work on a motorcycle.
