Friday, August 23, 2019

"Well Done"

August has been very busy in my world.  A week and a half of vacation brought us to Seattle, by way of Denver, and treated us to an Inside Passage Alaskan Cruise with our Acappella singing friends.  It was glorious, and some wonderful quality time with my hubby.

The next week and a half was spent trying to get back into the swing of things. . .the usual laundry to catch up on, garden and flowers to tend, and simply trying to remember I didn't have to sway back and forth when standing still!

While away, we learned of two deaths in our extended family.  The first was my husband's cousin, and we were so sad to miss out on the family time leading up to and following her service.  The other was his great aunt, the last of the siblings of his maternal grandfather's family.  Her family opted to delay the funeral a couple of weeks to make it easier for family members to attend both the funeral and the upcoming wedding of one of her grandsons.

Although we will not be at the wedding this weekend, we did take time out of our week to drive to Fergus Falls, MN for MaeBelle's funeral.  We knew her as "Mamie" and were so blessed to have known her.  She was only six years older than her oldest niece, who just happens to be my mother-in-law.

Memory fades as to when I first met Mamie, but it likely was either at a time she was visiting her brother in Crosby, ND or at one of the many family reunions planned by their family over the years.  There were originally six siblings in the family, four brothers & two sisters.  The other sister lost her battle with cancer at a young age, making the others even more committed to staying close despite the many miles which separated their families.

Off the top of my head, I can think of three of these reunions we took part in. . .one on Lake Okaboji in Iowa, one in Omaha, Nebraska, and one in Colorado Springs, CO.  There was always an abundance of laughter, music, and playing of the card game, ROOK.  In later years, after the brothers had all passed on, we would take time in our travels to visit Mamie in her winter home of Tucson, AZ.  Our last visit with her took place a couple of years ago in her home in Fergus Falls, MN.

Her family was able to provide her with a wonderful send off.  Grandchildren shared memories and the song, "I Will Rise", spouses of her four children shared the Scripture readings, and the message was given by a son-in-law who is a pastor.  He talked about the qualities of inclusion, love, and community as they related to her life, and encouraged us to follow her cardinal rule of life, which was to simply be nice (or kind).  

As a final tribute, her three daughters and one son gathered behind their mother's casket to share the song, "Well Done", which was released last fall by a group know as "The Afters".  The words couldn't have been more fitting to honor her life, and they fit equally well to honor the passing of my husband's cousin.  May we all strive to work towards hearing these words when we reach our heavenly home:

What will it be like when my pain is gone
And all the worries of this world just fade away?

What will it be like when You call my name
And that moment when I see You face to face?
I'm waiting my whole life to hear You say
Well done, well done

My good and faithful one
Welcome to the place where you belong
Well done, well done
My beloved child
You have run the race and now you're home

Welcome to the place where you belong
What will it be like when tears are washed away
And every broken thing will finally be made whole?
What will it be like when I come into Your glory
Standing in the presence of a love so beautiful?
I'm waiting my whole life for that day
I will live my life to hear You say
Well done, well done

My good and faithful one
Welcome to the place where you belong
Well done, well done
My beloved child
You have run the race and now you're home

Welcome to the place where you belong
What will it be like when I hear that sound?
All of heaven's angels crying out:
Singing holy, holy, holy are You, Lord

Singing holy, holy, holy are You, Lord
Singing holy, holy, holy are You, Lord
Waiting my whole life for that day

Until then I'll live to hear You say
Well done, well done
My good and faithful one
Welcome to the place where you belong
Well done, well done

My beloved child
You have run the race and now you're home
Welcome to the place where you belong

Well done

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