Friday, September 27, 2019

A Roadside Blessing

Last weekend my son and I traveled across North Dakota together.  Visiting of friends was on the agenda.  He would be staying in Fargo, and my friend who lives on a farm by Deer Creek, Minnesota drove an hour and a half to pick me up.  Along our way back to her farm, she wanted to stop at a roadside produce shop to pick up some ingredients for the salsa she planned to make later in the week.  

While she shopped, I walked around and found so many pretty fall colors. . .pumpkins, gourds, and squash were piled everywhere.  What great creativity God displayed when he created the vegetation on the third day! 


As I wandered around, soaking in the colors, something flew by and caught my eye. . .a beautiful monarch butterfly!  Following it through the air, I found the reason it was attracted to the area.  Just beside the roadside stand was a bed of zinnias and cosmos, and along with my friendly butterfly were dozens of others.  It was tricky to photograph them, as they folded up their wings while enjoying a snack from each flower.  A bit of patience scored me some beautiful memories of this quaint roadside blessing.

In Genesis 1, God made the assessment His creation was "very good."  After observing this little piece of it, I would have to agree!

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