Monday, September 30, 2019

In the News!

Living on the edge of nowhere, our community gets their daily newspaper from a city located two hours away.  They used to have local people hired to deliver the paper, but ran out of those willing to get up early to do so.  Now, if you want a paper, your choices are to pick one up at one of our local stores, or pay for a subscription to have it mailed to you.  Many have gone to the online option, too.   It has always been a 7 day a week paper, but recently went to only one paper on the weekend.

In addition, Crosby, ND has its own weekly paper called The Journal.  If you subscribe online, you can access the local news on Tuesday night.  Otherwise, it is available in paper form come Wednesday morning.  It always has good coverage of what has been happening during the past week, and is the “go to” source for information on upcoming events.

Usually there is a similar pattern to what I read in the Journal.  Front page stories are read in full, followed by checking the obituaries on page 3 and any ads for what’s happening in the week ahead.  I will glance through the editorials to see if the subject matter interests me, and skim over the sports section.  “One Time It Was News” is always fun, as it features clips from 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and sometimes even 70 and 80 years ago.  You never know when your name might pop up!  Headlines throughout the paper get read, and on to the articles if they interest me and  I have time.

There are, however, two columns I always read.  One is written by our church’s pastor, called “Pastor’s Corner,” and the other is written by my husband’s cousin, and is called “Holly Would.”  The first features uplifting spiritual encouragement, and the second is always good for a smile and chuckle!

To give you a sample, here are this week’s columns for your reading pleasure.  If you like what you read, you could always get a subscription of your own to keep up on what happens in small town, USA! 😊

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