Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Old Testament Lessons

In the Christian world, it is often stressed how important it is to read your Bible.  There are many options available to help in staying consistent in your reading, but one of my favorites over the years has been a format promoted by Samaritan's Purse.  Founded by Franklin Graham, this organization is also the one which is behind Operation Christmas Child, a ministry which encourages packing shoebox gifts to be distributed to needy children around the world.

The Bible reading guide is published four times a year, and features not only a listing of passages to read each day, but also articles about the various ministries Samaritan's Purse offers.  There are even suggestions on where you can focus your prayers for the week.

If you would be interested in receiving these booklets, you can sign up here:

One thing I enjoy about their daily readings is the fact they are taken from various parts of the Bible throughout the week.  For some people, this is a challenge, as they prefer reading a book start to finish.  For me, however, it gives a glimpse into all parts of the Bible throughout the week.  At the beginning of the year, you start at seven different points in the Bible, and continue from those points on a weekly basis.

Today's reading was from the book of 2 Chronicles, chapters 11-15.  Along with being a history lesson on some of the kings who served in Judah and Israel, it gives us a lesson we can apply to our current country's situation.  As you read through these chapters, you see examples of those who sought the Lord for guidance, and those who didn't.  It is no surprise those who were seeking had a better outcome in the end.

Many verses in this passage have been underlined in my Bible as emphasis of their importance.  Take time to read these chapters from your own Bible, or at the least ponder these verses:

" Since they have humbled themselves, 
I will not destroy them, but will soon give them deliverance."
2 Chronicles 12:7b

"The land is still ours, because we have sought 
the Lord God; we sought Him and He has given us
rest on every side."
2 Chronicles 14:7b

"The Lord is with you when you are with Him.
If you seek Him, He will be found by you,
but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you."
2 Chronicles 15:2

"They sought God eagerly, and He was found by them.  
So the Lord gave them rest on every side."
2 Chronicles 15:15b

It seems with every news broadcast there are discouraging reports of bad things happening in our nation.  Perhaps a bit of following these examples will help turn us back on the right path!


PS  In Facebook I maintain a group called "Read the Bible in a Year" in which I post the daily readings for those not getting the publication.  If you would like to be included in this group, simply send me a message and I will add you.

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