Monday, October 14, 2019

Dreams in the Night

Over the years, there have been many different views on why we dream, and scientists are still exploring new theories.  One thing we do know, people have been dreaming for a long time, as evidenced by the multiple times we see people in the Bible discussing their dreams.  In the Old Testament, one of the best known interpreter of dreams is Joseph, whose ability to do so helped him get out of prison.  A dream by a different Joseph in the New Testament assured him the unexpected pregnancy of his fiancee came about by the Holy Spirit, and this child would be Jesus.

Lately my nighttime dreaming has been falling into one of two categories.  Either I am back in my school days, or on the job banking.  Last night it happened to be my school days.  I had been eating my lunch, then had to hurry to get to the classroom for a test.  Everyone else was already there, and I seemed to be running late.

Often times, after a vivid dream, I find myself asking God, "What was that all about?"  Such was the case this morning as I pondered not only the current dream, but others I had experienced in recent days where I found myself working on a teller line with former co-workers.

The "inner voice" of my heart seemed to sum up God's answer as two things.  There are lessons to be learned (which come with testing), and there is work to be done for the furtherance of God's Kingdom.  Pondering this brought about more questions, including, "What lesson is God attempting to teach me?" and "What work does He have for me to do?"

Perhaps these are questions you can ask yourself as you face the days ahead.  For sure, none of us is without purpose in God's great scheme of things, so seeking more of Him will always help to sort out the answers.  Who knows?  The answers just might come to you in a dream!


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