Thursday, October 3, 2019

Doing What You Should

Not long ago, a video I had seen before came across my newsfeed on FaceBook.  It is of a darling little girl telling the Bible story of Jonah.  After the first time I watched the video, I remember thinking there was no one who has ever brought this story to life like she did!  If you have never come across it before, here is a link to access it.  Believe me, you will NOT be disappointed!

Today my Bible reading assignment for the day was to read the book of Jonah.  The first thing I heard in my head was her precious little voice reciting the story, so I had to find the video and watch it again.  At some point in my schooling, we had to do what was called "Interpretive Reading."  This young gal probably didn't even have to "read" the story.  You can tell she knew it in her heart, and wanted above all else to share it with her world.  And her interpretations were "spot on"!

After listening, I took time to read the actual Biblical account of the book of Jonah.  I found myself asking the question, "What does this story have to say to us today?"  The answer, of course, is it is there to teach us about listening for God's voice, and obeying what He asks us to do.  It is also a classic example of God's great and unconditional love for His people.

So, what is God asking of you?  It could be He is wanting to send you to another city to preach, as He did Jonah.  But chances are, He has another assignment in mind.  It is a very unique and special assignment designed with all of your personality traits and gifts in mind.  For me, it seems God often asks me to share through the avenue of writing.  He reveals to me a lesson, and then says, "Pass it on!"

Thus is the reason for today's blog.  It is a reminder to, first, listen for God's voice in your world.  Then, "do what you can with what you've got" to accomplish the assignment He asks of you.  How will you know if it is truly God's voice talking to you in your head?  For one thing, He will never contradict His Word, recorded for us in the Bible.  This is a good reason to read it often, and with an open mind.

The other thing that seems to affirm in my mind I am answering God's call on my life is feeling a real and genuine sense of joy, both in the midst of doing His assignment, and when looking back on it.  Take this morning, for example.  Earlier this week I saw a friend, and was prompted to invite her to my house for a visit.  It has been a busy season, and I could come up with lots of excuses not to follow through. . .I'd rather sleep in, the house is not clean enough, our remodel project is not yet finished.  But I just knew having her over would be a blessing for both of us. . .and it was! 

Jesus once told a parable which teaches us about putting to use the talents given us.  Matthew records it for us in chapter 25, verses 14-30.  The moral of the story is, when you use your talent, the opportunities to use it will multiply and grow.  Conversely, if you don't use them, you get left in the dark!  

Take time to refresh yourself on both of these Bible stories.  Then take a look at what God has given to you and put it to use!

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