Sunday, September 29, 2019

Days of the Harvest

Growing up as a farmer's daughter, I know well the importance of harvest time.  It takes extreme faith to be a farmer, diligently planting seed in the spring, and then watching as God provides the sunshine and rain needed to make the crops grow.  Then comes the harvest, a time when combines make their rounds in the field to reap the rewards of the harvest.  Here is a cute picture of my brothers and I in front of one of my father's fields "back in the day".

Some years harvest goes smoothly, and others, like this year, cause a few gray hairs for the farmers.  Instead of the sunshine needed, we are getting rain. . .and more rain. . .and even more rain.  Rain and harvest are not a good combination.  What can the farmers do?  They wait.  They wait, and pray for some warmer days of sunshine and drying winds to make harvesting possible. 

Meanwhile, those of us with smaller crops in our garden plots must also think about harvest.  It was a busy week of road trips for me, but there was one free morning, which I dedicated to harvesting the last of the carrots and beets, along with pulling out the plants no longer producing. . .cucumber, peas, and beans.

One final picture before tackling the project, and another of the "fruits of my labor!

Along with the yummy carrots, and the few beets I started cooking up for lunch, there was also an abundance of dried up pea and bean pods.  I'm good at picking the first ones to show up, but in the busyness of the last month, there were quite a few which escaped my eye.  The bonus to this is I now have a supply of seed to save for next year!


As I worked throughout the day, God gave me a variety of "life lessons" to pass on related to my simple harvest.  First of all, He brought to my attention all the life bearing seeds tucked into the dirty, dried up pea and bean pods.  Looking at the outside, you would think they were good for nothing.  But a little bit of gentle handling, and the seeds were extracted, ready to be planted in a new garden. 

This made me think of a different kind of harvest. . .one which God is working on among the people of the earth.  There are those who may appear a bit "worse for wear" on the outside, but deep within each human life God has planted the potential for new growth.  It just sometimes takes a little "gentle handling" to help them recognize this potential.

Also hidden among the dying bean plants were a few beans still in their prime, and even some cute, little "babies" just starting to grow.  In this, I saw a picture of what it will be like when God announces His final harvest.  My bean plants were unaware of the fact it would be their final day, but the time had come.  I caught them in various stages of growth, and so it will be when Jesus returns.  Some people will be "baby Christians", others will have had time to grow in their walk with the Lord.  The ones He is most proud of are those who have given so much in passing on their "seeds of faith" to others.

As you ponder my "harvest thoughts," where do you see yourself?  Have you recognized God as the One who starts you on your season of growth as a Christian?  Do you consider yourself one of the "baby Christians" just learning about producing and passing on seed, or are you a seasoned believer who has shared many seeds with others in your lifetime?  Wherever you find yourself, be aware of the fact there is indeed a final harvest coming. 

With this harvest in mind, think back on the words of Jesus to His disciples:

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers 
into His harvest field.
Luke 10:2

Where will God use you this week to harvest souls for Him?  

And while you are praying, pray for some drying weather so our farmers can get back into the field!

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