Sunday, February 13, 2011


We made it to see the grandkids today!  What fun to bring them a few Valentine treats and spend the afternoon and into the evening with them and their parents.  They seem to be growing up way too fast.  I complain I don't get to see them often enough, but then stop to count my blessings.  They are only an hour away.  It's a rare thing when it goes longer than 2 weeks between visits.  If I want (and weather permits!) I can drive to see them after work and come back home the same evening.  Yes, I am very blessed!  I feel for grandparents who live far away from their grandkids and have to wait months (or even years) between visits.  I'm thankful when God established the times set for us and the exact places we would live, He lovingly placed us where He did.  [See Acts 17:26-28]  

I also remember with fondness the Sunday visits to Grandma's house I enjoyed as a child.  Her farm was such a fun place and evenings were spent watching "Wild Kingdom", "Walt Disney" & "Bonanza".  Often, on the way home, I would fall asleep in the back seat of the car.  Even if I wasn't totally asleep, I remember prentending to be so Dad would carry me in from the car.  Memories. . .what a blessing to have such good ones.  Here's to making more as often as our Lord allows us to spend time together!

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