Saturday, February 19, 2011

In Hind Sight

It has been a busy week-end.  A large number of relatives were in town visiting, and we enjoyed a family supper together last night.  There were 8 kids ages 5 and under, so it was a lively household.  Great Grandma was happy to provide the house and everyone pitched in with food.  We were glad to have our daughter and three grandchildren as part of the crowd.  They stayed overnight, giving us even more time together.

Unfortunately, in the middle of the night, our daughter became ill.  Not fun when your plan was to return home in the morning and take in a wedding in the afternoon.  She didn't even feel well enough to drive home.  The grandma in me wanted to cancel the quilting class I had scheduled and take over for the day.  Still, I had made the commitment and didn't want to let them down either.  In the end, her brother did the driving, her husband took over so she could sleep and work on getting well, and I learned about quilting.

The ladies in the class assured me it was okay for me to do something for myself, and my family could certainly get by without me for a day.  As the day progressed, however, I found myself regretting my decision and wishing I would have listened to the grandma in me.  It doesn't change things, of course, but they do say everything is clearer in hind sight.  When it comes down to a choice between doing for the ones you love and doing for yourself, the choice should be obvious.  Next time I will try remember this!

The quilting experience was fun.  It gave me some great "God Lessons" to share in the process.  I don't think it will be something I will get into full force at this point in my life, but at least I can check it off my "bucket list"!

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