Monday, February 28, 2011

Just What I Needed Today

A former pastor of ours does a daily devotional he calles "The Daily Wad".  He takes a scripture verse, "chews" on it awhile and then writes his thoughts in an email to share with others.  Today I especially appreciated his choice of Romans 12:12: 

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Following are his thoughts on the verse:

"The modifying words are especially interesting to me. Joyful in hope describes the effect hope has upon me. It sets me free from anxious care and fills my heart with joy. It changes my entire outlook on my life. Patient in affliction is a goal. It is not a natural response to be patient while suffering affliction. Without doubt patience is what is needed. This identifies an area where I need the grace of God in order to experience the kind of strength that holds me steady when the difficulties of life come. Faithful in prayer is my daily assignment. It is my part, something I can choose to do. It requires discipline as well as diligence. It is my call to obedience. If I am faithful in prayer, I will be given patience in my afflictions and the joyful assurance that in Christ I have hope. I can’t lose!"

As I read, I realized how much I needed this reminder today!  I've been frustrated as of late. . .not seeing people grow in their spiritual walk the way I want them to. . .not seeing talents used for God the way they should be. . .too many people settling for "comfortable" (a/k/a lukewarm).  My joy escapes, my patience runs thin and I find myself complaining instead of praying!!  Guess I best look at that last sentence and go in reverse. . .prayer will help my patience level wait for God's timing and then I will find myself hopeful once again, bringing joy back to my life. 
God has made it so easy for us. . .when we follow His advice! 

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