Saturday, February 5, 2011

Not in My Plan

It was in my plan to travel to see my grandkids this week-end.  It's only an hour away, but winter weather has a way of changing my plans. . .and it did.  Icy and snow-packed roads changed the plan.  My hubby called mid-morning and informed me I could do whatever I wanted with my day, but travel would not be a part of the plan.

What to do?  A phone call to my best friend who lives a state away seemed like a good idea. . .and it was!  Then I managed to get my eldest grandson to talk to me on the phone.  Yesterday when I wanted to thank him for the Valentine he made me, he wasn't interested.  I finally got the humidifier filed with water and plugged in. . .it's the one we have had for over a year now and for some reason have let it sit idle.  A pile of "to be mailed" items finally got packaged up and are ready for their trip to the post office.  And my assignment to make a sign for our Women's Ministries special offering is finished.  [We are doing a "Souper Bowl of Caring" offering in a soup kettle tomorrow, which will go to two great causes:  Convoy of Hope & a Scholarship Fund]

Somewhere in the midst of this my husband arrived home.  He announced he was going to find room for the Christmas tree in our storage room in the basement.  It has been undecorated for some time now, and has moved from the corner of the living room to the corner of the dining room, so it was time.  It was also time to do one of our "straightening up the storage room" projects.  You know how they go.  Pull things off the shelf, shuffle through them, throw away a few things and rearrange the rest so it fits better.  It seems to work for us.  Someday someone just needs to go in there when we're not home and throw a lot more!  I'm thinking that job will be left to our kids once we have moved "across the Jordan River to the other side".  At least in the midst of the shuffling, we succeeded in getting all the Christmas totes and boxes put away.

A quick trip to the grocery store provided what was needed to make party mix for the Super Bowl party at the parsonage tomorrow.  It is now cooling on paper towels on the dining table.  Even half a batch makes a lot!  Still on the agenda is organizing songs for tomorrow's church service, writing one of my "Saturday Seeking" devotionals, and putting away the finished laundry.

For not having a plan, it seems a lot got accomplished.  Still, the original plan would have been way more fun!

1 comment:

  1. I'll come and throw stuff away for you. I did 2 closets and the linen closet this week. I'm in the mood for downsizing. Let me at the piles of stuff.... :) I'll even do it before you cross that river, preferably that way, actually.
