Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Place Called Home

Over the course of the past four months "home" has come to have double meaning.  Monday through Friday our place to call home has been a condominium unit in Bismarck, North Dakota, necessary as Bert has been serving in the North Dakota Legislature.  As each week-end would roll around, going home would bring us back to Crosby and the house on Main Street built 39 years ago by Bert, his father and brothers.  Some say home is where your heart is, and truly it has been in both places.

As our time in Bismarck comes to a close, it will once again require readjustment and a return to the normal life we left behind at the beginning of January.  But truly it will never be completely the same, as our experiences over the past four months will have influenced and touched our hearts in ways we never imagined when this adventure started.

At the heart of it all will be the friendships formed.  Yes, it was interesting learning how state government works, how bills come and go and decisions are made.  And yet it has been the people behind those decisions who have made the largest impact, and only eternity will reveal the reasons God has for intersecting our lives at this crossroad.

For Bert, there has been a special bond with his fellow legislators.  Among his closest friends are those who, like him, are working their way through their first year experience.  Alongside these are those who have been a part of the system for a few or many years who have taken them under wing and done their best to "show them the ropes".  It has been refreshing to be at Bert's side and see these friendships develop and grow.

For myself, a group of fellow legislative wives has been at the heart of my experience.  Meeting each Wednesday for lunch, we also shared in activities such as touring the North Dakota Penitentiary, learning about a great facility called "First Choice Clinic" and seeing both the Former Governor's Mansion and the home of our National Guard's Adjutant General.  We made Valentines for our elected officials, those in the Legislature, and for a group of Veterans at a home in Lisbon, North Dakota.  We learned about an organization called 4HerND which is working with sex trafficking in our state, and heard from two authors about their books.  A road trip one week brought us to the Lewis and Clark Museum at Washburn, ND.  We also gathered to make fleece blankets which were donated to organizations helping children with special needs.

Thursdays brought a smaller group of us together for a Bible Study time, looking into the story of Moses and his leadership role.  We also spent time in prayer for our husbands and enjoyed getting to know each other on a closer more intimate basis.

As each of us returns to the place we call home, we do so with thanks to our Heavenly Father for the times we have shared and the friendships we have formed.  As we work together to make North Dakota a better place to live, we also look forward to another placed called "HOME" which will be our final destination.  Reading through Revelations 21 makes me long for this final gathering place which will be free of sin and ruled by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Reservations are being taken and recorded in the Lamb's book of life.  Have you made yours?


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