Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Just Do It!

Recently it was a blessing to participate in providing music for a Fall Festival Supper at a Lutheran church in Alamo, ND.  Located about 30 miles south of us, the church is part of a five church parish connected to Concordia Lutheran here in Crosby, ND and served by a husband and wife pastor team.  Our "Music Makers" group has been blessed by the banjo playing talent exhibited by the husband, and so it was we were asked to provide "background music" at the festival both last year and this year.

Last year the meal was pancakes, but this year we enjoyed ham, potatoes, creamed corn, coleslaw and a variety of "goodies" for dessert.  We sang a few numbers prior to eating, and then entertained for about an hour afterwards.  All the while we played, people were busy enjoying fellowship and participating in what they called a "Norwegian Auction".  After purchasing tickets for fifty cents a piece, you wrote your name on the tickets and placed them in containers next to various prizes which had been donated by the members of the congregation.  There were also quite a number of "silent auction" sheets which corresponded to more deluxe items.

My contribution to the Music Makers is singing.  Several of the songs we share are instrumental, giving me an occasional break.  During this time I purchased a few dollars worth of tickets and made my selections.  At the end of the evening I was delighted with my winnings, which were a pair of gloves and a container of date filled cookies.  I also won one of the silent auction items, which was an autumn themed basket.

As often happens when I participate in fun events, pictures were taken and shared over Facebook.  One of the comments expressed by a friend was "I want some date cookies!  I love them!"  Since date filled cookies are a rare treat at our house, my first instinct was to simply "like" her comment and move on.  Instead I found myself posting a reply.  "Stop over tomorrow afternoon and I'll share!!" 

The next morning came and went, and I didn't hear anything further from her.  About mid-afternoon I had a little voice in my head say, "You should call her and tell her to come over!"  Then the other little voice in my head said, "You don't want to do that!  The house is in a disarray and, seriously, you want to save all those cookies for yourself!!"  After a little back and forth between the two voices, the first one won out and I'm so glad it did!  My friend came over and we enjoyed a nice visit. . .the real, face to face kind. . .over date filled cookies and cranberry mango juice.  There was even still one cookie left when we were done with our visit!

It is really sad how seldom our home is used for entertaining.  Years back it was quite often we had someone over for a meal or an evening of visiting.  Times have changed.  Now we sit home alone with our eyes glued to a screen of some sort.  We keep track of how many "friends" we have and post comments on how our day is going.  Occasionally we share pictures.  But we really don't fellowship.  After the visit with my friend, I was reminded of how nice it is to greet someone at my door, invite them in and enjoy sharing face to face. 

How long has it been since you've had company at your house?  I can already hear the excuses. . ."My house is too messy!". . ."I have too much to do!". . . "I need to check the news feed on Facebook!"  Next time God brings someone to mind, don't hesitate to ask them over. . .just do it!  You'll never regret it!

Be hospitable to one another without complaint.
1 Peter 4:9


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