Sunday, October 4, 2015

Dan, the Man!

[Dan Johnson will be speaking at our church this coming week-end, and for two nights next week.  If possible, come hear for yourself the wisdom he shares.  Sunday, October 14, 2018@11:00am and 6:30pm; Monday, October 15@7:00pm; Tuesday, October16@7:00pm.  This is a blog I wrote when he was last at our church. . .what a blessing it has been in my life to sit under his ministry!]

It was a special day at Crosby Assembly of God.  For two services we were blessed by the ministry of a man named Dan Johnson.  His FaceBook page says he is "retired", but at 83 years of age he still travels the country to do speaking engagements and is also an author.  At a time our church was without a pastor, he drove all the way from Tacoma, Washington just to fill in for a service, and was instrumental in connecting us with our current pastor.  Needless to say, we tend to get excited when he comes to town!

As a pastor for many years, and now as a traveling evangelistic speaker, he is an amazing man of God who has years of wisdom to share.  This morning he shared a passage of Scripture in Proverbs 22:28 which says:

"Do not move an ancient boundary stone
set up by your forefathers."
Also being a history buff, Dan often shares quotes from the forefathers of our country.  Stressing the importance of history, he told us the desecration of the past is the first step in overturning the present.  Sadly, what we are seeing in the current generation is a move away from even knowing history, let alone valuing it.  One sad statistic he gave was 47% of American youth have no memory of Billy Graham, a great man of God. 

Tying in with Dan's message was a song which was included in our worship time.  The title of the song is "Ancient Words", one we first became acquainted with during a VBS session a few years back.  It was also made popular by Michael W. Smith and combines words about the Bible with a beautiful melody.  You can access a recording of the song at this link:

Tying the verse and the song together, he reminded us how important it was to hold fast to the truths of the Bible and not waver or move from them.  In my own personal life, the Bible is the "ancient boundary stone" passed on to me by my forefathers, and its words guide my life.  I am so thankful it has been a part of my life for as far back as I can remember.  Today I am also thankful for a man named Dan who reminded us today to stay true to its words!

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