Friday, January 6, 2017

Home Again, Home Again

As was our pattern two years ago, we returned home to Crosby after our first full week in Bismarck for the 65th Legislative Session.  We were on the road by about 2pm, stopped in Minot for a walk around the mall and a bite to eat, and then hit the second leg of the journey.  It was dark when we got closer to home, and it is always satisfying to see the lights of Crosby appear down the highway after being gone. 

Driving down Main Street toward the Courthouse, I marveled once again at the beauty of it.

This is a shot of our Courthouse taken last winter on a frosty morning.

As I glanced at each business place, I was thankful for the great shopping opportunities we have for a small town.  Since it is Friday night, there were a variety of cars parked in front of the Dakota Theatre for this week-end's movie, a weekly offering chosen by the Meadowlarks Art Council.

A photo of our movie theatre taken last winter by Lariene Jones

Around the Courthouse to the north is my mother-in-law's home.  It has always been such a welcoming place and tonight was no different.  We spent a few minutes catching up with her and my brother-in-law and were also able to see my sister-in-law before heading back toward home.

This picture was taken at Thanksgiving, prior to the dumping of snow at Christmas!

We had noticed our son was working at my husband's woodworking shop, so decided to stop by and check in on him.  Next door lives my 94 year old aunt, so a quick visit was made there, too.  I know we have only been gone a week, but it sure was nice to be home!

As much as I love my earthly home, I also realize God's Word tells me no where on this earth is actually my home.  Philippians 3:20-21 tells us the following:

But our citizenship is in heaven. 
And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,
who, by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control
will transform our lowly bodies so they will be like His glorious body.
 In case you're wondering, I'm REALLY looking forward to the day Jesus calls us "HOME" to heaven!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Man's Heart

Being at my husband's side while he is a part of the North Dakota state government process has given me a peek into the lives of many men.  Yes, there are women involved, too, but as of this point in time men do have the majority.  It has warmed my own heart to find so many "good hearted" men and I especially appreciate the close friendships developed as a result of our time in Bismarck.

Today, as we listened to our new governor's first address, I was impressed to find a "softness" to his heart as he spoke of the things he was passionate about.  In my books, this is a good thing!  There is a time and place for men to be tough, but there is also room for showing a caring and sensitive side.

In the Bible, King David is referred to as "a man after God's own heart" (Acts 13:22).  This is fascinating to me, especially when you consider he was also an adulterer and murderer, among other things.  If you read through the Psalms you will find there is something which always followed David's "bad behavior".  It was a repentant heart. . .a willingness to say, "I did wrong.  I'm sorry.  I'll try not do it again".

Perhaps this is a good lesson for all of us to remember.  As we humble ourselves before God, trust in His guidance, and remain obedient to His Word, we might not be remembered as "a man after God's own heart".  But there are words of the Master we should all be seeking to one day hear. "Well done, thou good and faithful servant".  Thankfully, these are words reserved for both men and women alike!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Movie Messages

It was a snowy day here in Bismarck, with nothing on our agenda.  After joining a few friends for lunch at Panera, we decided to check out the movie listings and found an afternoon showing of the new Star Wars movie, "Rogue One".  Although this style of movie is not number one on my list of favorites, I must admit to a soft spot to anything Star Wars related.  My husband and I were in the early years of our marriage when the first movie came out, and I remember seeing it while vacationing in Seattle, Washington.

With my grandsons big into the Star Wars Lego sets, I couldn't help but wonder how their "pretend play" would match up to the screenplay action!  Hearing the theme song brought back memories of hearing our oldest grandson learning to play it on his trumpet last year and also brought back the memory of hearing it for the first time so many years ago.

As is my habit when watching movies, I try see past the general storyline to a "God Message" that may be hiding "behind the scenes".  As we exited the theatre, I thought back on the events of the past two hours.  There were quite a variety of characters, each playing a particular role in the unfolding events of the movie. It seemed this was the source of my lesson, which translated to "we all have a role to play in God's story"!

The amazing thing about God's story is He is never in search of someone to "act out" a particular role.  He is one step ahead of the game and actually creates each person with the personality and capabilities to carry out a special part in His timeline of events.  Psalm 139 has long been a favorite chapter of mine as it focuses on the fact God is intimately involved in who we are.  Verses 13-16 read as follows:

"For You created my inmost being;  
You knit me together in my mother's womb.  
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  
My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place.  
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 
Your eyes saw my unformed body.  
All the days ordained for me were written in Your book 
before one of them came to be."

It seems this all points to one thing. . .there is only one you.  You are uniquely created to do something special during this point in time, and God has equipped you with what you need to accomplish His purposes for your life.  Still confused?  Perhaps it is time to better acquaint yourself with the Creator.  He best knows the plot and will guide you if you humble yourself and allow Him to direct your life.  Make 2017 the year you really dig into God's Word and devote yourself to prayer and seeking God's will for your life.  As you do, you will find there is a bonus involved when you begin living the life God intended for you. . .joy will be added to your journey!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Season and a Reason

Today we ventured down the highway to Bismarck, which will be our "home away from home" over the next four months.  We returned to the same condominium unit we were in two years ago during our first experience with the North Dakota Legislature.  As we unloaded the vehicles, I was very thankful they had finished the repairs to the elevator. . .it made moving into the third floor unit much easier!

As we traveled today, my mind went back in time over the many times we have covered the 230 mile stretch of road.  During a different season of our lives, most of the trips were made for hospital stays and doctoring as we unraveled the mysteries of dealing with the bipolar diagnosis I received after the birth of our second child.  I still have checkups with a psychiatrist every six months, but am thankful for a three year stretch of "on the level" living.  A combination of two drugs, a healthy lifestyle, low-stress retirement living and well managed sleep have proven to be our prescription for avoiding the roller coaster rides we endured during those years.

Two years ago my husband was appointed to fill a vacancy in the North Dakota House of Representatives and we began a new season of trips to and from Bismarck.  After thoroughly enjoying the experience of the 64th Legislative Assembly in 2015, he put his name in to run for a full four year term in 2016.  We spent many hours campaigning and were thrilled when his name came out at the top of the election results in November.

So here we are. . .a new season and a special reason God has us returning to Bismarck.  What will this new year hold in store for us?  It is yet unclear what the full picture will be, but we are ready and willing to serve God and the people of District 2 in North Dakota to the best of our ability!  We ask for God's guidance and your prayers as we begin!