Monday, January 2, 2017

Movie Messages

It was a snowy day here in Bismarck, with nothing on our agenda.  After joining a few friends for lunch at Panera, we decided to check out the movie listings and found an afternoon showing of the new Star Wars movie, "Rogue One".  Although this style of movie is not number one on my list of favorites, I must admit to a soft spot to anything Star Wars related.  My husband and I were in the early years of our marriage when the first movie came out, and I remember seeing it while vacationing in Seattle, Washington.

With my grandsons big into the Star Wars Lego sets, I couldn't help but wonder how their "pretend play" would match up to the screenplay action!  Hearing the theme song brought back memories of hearing our oldest grandson learning to play it on his trumpet last year and also brought back the memory of hearing it for the first time so many years ago.

As is my habit when watching movies, I try see past the general storyline to a "God Message" that may be hiding "behind the scenes".  As we exited the theatre, I thought back on the events of the past two hours.  There were quite a variety of characters, each playing a particular role in the unfolding events of the movie. It seemed this was the source of my lesson, which translated to "we all have a role to play in God's story"!

The amazing thing about God's story is He is never in search of someone to "act out" a particular role.  He is one step ahead of the game and actually creates each person with the personality and capabilities to carry out a special part in His timeline of events.  Psalm 139 has long been a favorite chapter of mine as it focuses on the fact God is intimately involved in who we are.  Verses 13-16 read as follows:

"For You created my inmost being;  
You knit me together in my mother's womb.  
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  
My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place.  
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 
Your eyes saw my unformed body.  
All the days ordained for me were written in Your book 
before one of them came to be."

It seems this all points to one thing. . .there is only one you.  You are uniquely created to do something special during this point in time, and God has equipped you with what you need to accomplish His purposes for your life.  Still confused?  Perhaps it is time to better acquaint yourself with the Creator.  He best knows the plot and will guide you if you humble yourself and allow Him to direct your life.  Make 2017 the year you really dig into God's Word and devote yourself to prayer and seeking God's will for your life.  As you do, you will find there is a bonus involved when you begin living the life God intended for you. . .joy will be added to your journey!

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