Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Season and a Reason

Today we ventured down the highway to Bismarck, which will be our "home away from home" over the next four months.  We returned to the same condominium unit we were in two years ago during our first experience with the North Dakota Legislature.  As we unloaded the vehicles, I was very thankful they had finished the repairs to the elevator. . .it made moving into the third floor unit much easier!

As we traveled today, my mind went back in time over the many times we have covered the 230 mile stretch of road.  During a different season of our lives, most of the trips were made for hospital stays and doctoring as we unraveled the mysteries of dealing with the bipolar diagnosis I received after the birth of our second child.  I still have checkups with a psychiatrist every six months, but am thankful for a three year stretch of "on the level" living.  A combination of two drugs, a healthy lifestyle, low-stress retirement living and well managed sleep have proven to be our prescription for avoiding the roller coaster rides we endured during those years.

Two years ago my husband was appointed to fill a vacancy in the North Dakota House of Representatives and we began a new season of trips to and from Bismarck.  After thoroughly enjoying the experience of the 64th Legislative Assembly in 2015, he put his name in to run for a full four year term in 2016.  We spent many hours campaigning and were thrilled when his name came out at the top of the election results in November.

So here we are. . .a new season and a special reason God has us returning to Bismarck.  What will this new year hold in store for us?  It is yet unclear what the full picture will be, but we are ready and willing to serve God and the people of District 2 in North Dakota to the best of our ability!  We ask for God's guidance and your prayers as we begin!

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