Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Man's Heart

Being at my husband's side while he is a part of the North Dakota state government process has given me a peek into the lives of many men.  Yes, there are women involved, too, but as of this point in time men do have the majority.  It has warmed my own heart to find so many "good hearted" men and I especially appreciate the close friendships developed as a result of our time in Bismarck.

Today, as we listened to our new governor's first address, I was impressed to find a "softness" to his heart as he spoke of the things he was passionate about.  In my books, this is a good thing!  There is a time and place for men to be tough, but there is also room for showing a caring and sensitive side.

In the Bible, King David is referred to as "a man after God's own heart" (Acts 13:22).  This is fascinating to me, especially when you consider he was also an adulterer and murderer, among other things.  If you read through the Psalms you will find there is something which always followed David's "bad behavior".  It was a repentant heart. . .a willingness to say, "I did wrong.  I'm sorry.  I'll try not do it again".

Perhaps this is a good lesson for all of us to remember.  As we humble ourselves before God, trust in His guidance, and remain obedient to His Word, we might not be remembered as "a man after God's own heart".  But there are words of the Master we should all be seeking to one day hear. "Well done, thou good and faithful servant".  Thankfully, these are words reserved for both men and women alike!

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