Friday, January 6, 2017

Home Again, Home Again

As was our pattern two years ago, we returned home to Crosby after our first full week in Bismarck for the 65th Legislative Session.  We were on the road by about 2pm, stopped in Minot for a walk around the mall and a bite to eat, and then hit the second leg of the journey.  It was dark when we got closer to home, and it is always satisfying to see the lights of Crosby appear down the highway after being gone. 

Driving down Main Street toward the Courthouse, I marveled once again at the beauty of it.

This is a shot of our Courthouse taken last winter on a frosty morning.

As I glanced at each business place, I was thankful for the great shopping opportunities we have for a small town.  Since it is Friday night, there were a variety of cars parked in front of the Dakota Theatre for this week-end's movie, a weekly offering chosen by the Meadowlarks Art Council.

A photo of our movie theatre taken last winter by Lariene Jones

Around the Courthouse to the north is my mother-in-law's home.  It has always been such a welcoming place and tonight was no different.  We spent a few minutes catching up with her and my brother-in-law and were also able to see my sister-in-law before heading back toward home.

This picture was taken at Thanksgiving, prior to the dumping of snow at Christmas!

We had noticed our son was working at my husband's woodworking shop, so decided to stop by and check in on him.  Next door lives my 94 year old aunt, so a quick visit was made there, too.  I know we have only been gone a week, but it sure was nice to be home!

As much as I love my earthly home, I also realize God's Word tells me no where on this earth is actually my home.  Philippians 3:20-21 tells us the following:

But our citizenship is in heaven. 
And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,
who, by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control
will transform our lowly bodies so they will be like His glorious body.
 In case you're wondering, I'm REALLY looking forward to the day Jesus calls us "HOME" to heaven!

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