Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Debate or Debacle?

How many of you watched last night's Presidential debate between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden?  My husband and I took most of it in, and when asked to evaluate who "won the debate", my reply had to be "no one".  Neither candidate won, nor did the American people.  It was embarrassing for me to think about people around the world watching, as the impression both men left was not one of civility.

As a member of an organization called the "Presidential Prayer Team", we were asked to pray for three things prior to the debate:

                1.  For God to be glorified through the debate

                2.  For the truth of God to be made known and for His will to be accomplished

                3.  For civility, honesty, and fairness to prevail over division, spin, and bias

It appears to me too many of us were watching last night, and too few were praying, as I can't say #1 and #3 were accomplished.  As for #2, all I can say is God's ways are much higher than my ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) and whether His will was accomplished is beyond my evaluation.  The enemy, I'm sure was pleased with all the "acts of the sinful nature" displayed.  Taking from the list in Galatians 5:19-21, a few I can pick out are hatred, discord, fits of rage, selfish ambition, and dissensions.  

It is my continued prayer during this election cycle to ask God to reveal evil and untruths, while at the same time shining forth His truth to the people, so an informed decision can be made when voting.  It is hard to sort out information these days, with so many "back and forth" jabs from supporters on both sides of the fence, and access to far too much information, which may or may not be true.

Sadly, the battling over politics has caused conflicts between friends, and even family members.  I have had some difficult conversations with a couple of people, but am thankful it has not thus far affected our love for each other and friendship.  Perhaps it is best if we avoid political discussions, and keep to sharing fun updates on our families and encouraging posts which point people to God as we navigate our social media platforms.  It is He, after all, who sits on the eternal throne, and will be the one still in charge come election day!  

Meanwhile, let's all turn our focus to the other list in Galatians 5. . .the fruit of the Spirit.  Show some love and joy, be at peace, be patient with others, share kindness and goodness to those in your sphere of influence, be faithful and gentle, and [the hardest one!] exercise some self-control.  

Peace and blessings to all. . .regardless of who you support in this election cycle! 

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