Wednesday, September 23, 2020

In the News!

It seems these days all the news focuses on is one of three things:  coronavirus, riots, or politics.  It gets old and is very wearisome to watch.  In fact, it is a good idea to make it a practice to limit the amount you take in if you want to avoid a headache and high blood pressure.

Today, however, we found good reason to watch the NBC Nightly News, and it all started with a Facebook post written by my brother-in-law, Don Anderson.  In our community, he is known as the man behind the camera.  You see him at all the sporting events, community functions, and area happenings, as he captures memories for others to enjoy.  He also has a real “way with words” and has quite a following of friends on his Facebook page.  Along with the “locals”, he also has a following of people who no longer live in our community, but still have a fond connection to it, and enjoy seeing what has been happening.

What happened earlier this month involved a local farmer who was harvesting his crop when a fire started in the combine.  In his efforts to get the fire out, he suffered a heart attack, but thankfully those who came to help with the fire were able to get him to the local hospital, where he was airlifted to a larger hospital, where he remains as he recovers.

In true North Dakota form, friends of the family wasted no time in organizing a “harvest bee” to help finish the combining.  Neighbors showed up with 11 combines, along with trucks and grain carts to finish the 1,000 acres left in 7 hours.  Others brought food and fed the crowd, while Don was there to capture it all.

One of the advantages of social media is how quickly a story can spread when there is an interesting post.  This one definitely passed the test, as in one day it had over 5,000 “likes” and 3,000 shares.  It wasn’t long before he was hearing from the Washington Post, CNN, Fox News, and other media outlets.

Today we were blessed to see the story featured on the NBC Nightly News.  Needless to say, we are proud of the way it came into the spotlight, but really, isn’t this how things should be?  When you see a need, you help.  Our community has proved this over and over again.  And if you need evidence, check out Don Anderson’s Facebook page.  It’s all there, preserved through his wonderful pictures and creative writing!  “Thanks, Don!  We appreciate you so much!”

To see the NBC News coverage, follow this link:

NBC News Feature

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