Saturday, September 26, 2020

Prayer March 2020

Today an estimated 50,000 people showed up in Washington, DC for one reason. . .they came to pray.  The event, known as "Prayer March 2020", was an idea God planted on the heart of Franklin Graham, son of the late, great evangelist, Billy Graham. 

As I watched the live stream of the event, I found myself praying along with them, even though I was many miles away.  The good thing is God's throne room is never far away, and prayer unites us no matter the distance.

After the event had concluded, I decided to do my own Prayer March 2020 around my hometown of Crosby, ND.  I made a special point to pray outside of the three churches, our City Hall & Fire Station, and the County Courthouse which overlooks Main Street. I prayed for all of our businesses, both schools, our local clinic and hospital and the facilities which serve the seniors of our community.  I prayed for people by name, if I knew them, in the houses I walked by.  I prayed for people I didn't know.  Although I didn't walk all the streets, I covered all areas with prayer.  I prayed not only for all currently living in Crosby, but also for the many who grew up here and moved on to other places. 

Do I tell you this to brag?  No.  I share with a humble heart, because I want to challenge you to do the same for your community.  Prayer moves the hand of God.  His hand is one desiring to heal our nation, but first there are things we must do, according to this verse often quoted these days:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;  then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land. ~2 Chronicles 7:14

When you identify yourself, is being a Christian part of who you are?  If so, this verse is a challenge for you.  Humble your attitude, pray, seek more of God, and spend time in His Word so you know which of your ways are wicked in His sight.  Then, look forward, as I do, to the day God's healing will come!

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