Saturday, September 5, 2020

Signs Along the Way

It was shortly after 8:30 this evening when I decided to take a walk.  Our daughter and four grandkids had been here for one last swim in our community’s new pool, so the afternoon and early evening were filled with the blessings of being a mom and grandma.  It was already beginning to get dusky, a sure sign we had moved from the summer season into fall.  Although the calendar doesn’t officially designate fall for another couple of weeks, the signs are definitely upon us.

My walk took me first past the church in our Pioneer Village.  The glow of the setting sun behind the steeple made for a picturesque scene.

Following one of my favorite routes, I headed north and then back east so I could walk the “curvy street” which can be reached by walking past our family owned gas station.  [They still pump your gas for you, AND wash your windshield!😃]  It was here I saw something in the shadow of the trees on the street. . .a heart shape!  Can you find it?

The heart seemed like a little love note from Jesus, and I believe, through the working of the Holy Spirit, He brought to mind a song I hadn’t heard for years.  It was one my father-in-law used to sing, accompanied by his wife.  The words to the chorus began, “Standing somewhere in the shadows you’ll find Jesus. . .”  What an encouragement to be reminded He is always near!

Once around the curvy part of the street, I again headed north, then back west toward the Courthouse.  Prior to getting there, however, you pass Concordia Lutheran, which is the church at the root of my faith story.  It, too, had a shadowy look about it, as did the Courthouse beyond.

From the Courthouse I headed south on Main Street back towards our home, which brought into view our local theatre.  As I saw the word “DAKOTA” on the side of the marquee, followed by a row of flags, it was a poignant reminder of the need to cover both our state and nation in prayer.

Another block further, I found myself at the four way stop, and the signs also prompted messages in my brain.  Not only should we STOP our lives of sin, but also remember there should be NO U TURNing back once we’ve given our life to God!

Closer to home I had to cross the railroad tracks, and the big crossing X reminded me we truly are at a “crossroad” in history.  It is a time we each need to YIELD” to a Higher Power than anyone currently on the political scene to bring us out of the mess our nation is in.

Vote for the candidate of your choice, but do so prayerfully.  Regardless of who ends up in the White House, it will ultimately be Jesus who steps in with the answers.  Remember to remain humble, and in tune with the Spirit.  Jesus just might ask you to be a part of His “hands and feet” to change the world!

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