Monday, February 15, 2016

All in a Day!

The clock radio was set to go off extra early this morning.  Our daughter and her children were coming for the day since they had no school (Presidents Day).  I wanted to put a roast in the crock pot so the preparation for our noon meal would be out of the way.  Once the potatoes and carrots were peeled and sliced into the bottom of the crock pot, the roast went on top and I went back to bed, resetting the alarm to go off at 8:00am so there would be time to get to the morning "Women on Weights" session at 9:00am.

Preferring not to be awakened by an "alarming" noise, the knob was moved to the "music" setting.  This way the sound of the radio playing would awaken me.  Or such was the plan.  Apparently, after being up to get the meal ready, I went into a deep sleep.  When I finally did hear the music from the radio, the time on the clock was 9:10am.  So much for "Women on Weights"!  Instead I chose to use one of the elliptical machines for my morning exercise.

While waiting for the grandkids to arrive, there was frosting to make.  Today is my sister-in-law's birthday and I had committed to providing a cake.  Doing the baking yesterday, I whipped up the buttercream icing and was just spreading it on the heart shaped cake when my little helpers arrived.  I recruited my granddaughter to help with the decorating and was quite pleased with the final result.
It seems when the grandkids come to visit, there is never enough time to do all the things we'd like, but we managed to squeeze a lot into the day.  Since the weather was ideal, we paid a visit to the playground at our elementary school.  It was the first time they had been there, and they were excited to check out the various equipment.  


It was fun to see them playing on the same monkey bars I played on as a child, and which also entertained their mother when she was growing up.


The snow was a perfect consistency for making a snowman and besides leaving one at the school playground, they also made one in our backyard and another at great grandma's house, where an assortment of relatives had gathered to celebrate the birthday.

The minutes were ticking away, but we squeezed in a short visit with Aunt Mabel prior to returning to our house.  It had started snowing lightly, and our daughter felt they needed to be leaving soon, but Faith was insistent she wanted to have a quick sewing lesson.  The last time they had visited she left me a note, indicating her desire to learn:

Knowing there wasn't much time, I did a quick search through my fabric remnants and found a piece of yellow fleece.  Folded in half, it would make a perfect small pillow with very little effort, giving Faith a chance to experience her first sewing project.  She listened so carefully when I explained how to thread the machine and add the bobbin.  Although I helped guide her, she excitedly stitched around the edges making a case to fill with stuffing (her favorite part!)  Since the material was plain, she decided to add some decorations with markers.  Can you tell she was quite pleased with the results?

Once they were on the road, we were back to Grandma Ardis' house for supper with Bert's four sisters and two of his brothers in attendance.  It seems food, family and fellowship always seem to go together in the Anderson clan.

From there it was back home to bake two batches of brownies for a political event we will be attending tomorrow.  The last batch is in the oven, and soon I will call it a day.  You will find the following recorded in God's Word:

"All the days planned for me
were written in Your [God's] book
before one of them came to be."
~Psalm 139:16
It certainly was a busy one He planned for today. . .and I enjoyed each part of it!  I'm so thankful I can end the day, as David did, saying:
"I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."
~Psalm 3:5


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Kung Fu Panda-ing

In our community there is a "Dakota Theatre" which plays one movie three nights a week.  Supported and run by our local Meadowlarks Art Council, it is nice to have the option of a movie date now and then.

With tomorrow being Valentine's Day, we decided to take in the movie currently showing, entitled "Kung Fu Panda 3".  Being an animated children's movie, much of the crowd was parents or grandparents with their kids, and it was fun to listen to the enjoyment evident in their laughter throughout the movie.

As the movie plot was unfolding, I found myself asking, "What kind of a message is this sending to those watching?"  To most, attending a movie is simply a form of entertainment.  For me, however, being a "seeker" by nature, I usually find myself analyzing the storyline to see what hidden message might be lurking.

The movie tonight was a classic "good vs. evil" plot, which rotated between the "spiritual world" and "mortal world".  It made me think of a similar scheme of events which plays out throughout the pages of the Bible. . .God and His forces of good battling satan and his forces of evil.  Often I am reminded of the verses in Ephesians 6 which encourage us to "suit up for battle":

"Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm."
~Ephesians 6:12-13
Back to our movie, there was also an element of father/son interaction which reminded me of the relationship between our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  The panda son was ultimately the one to win out over the evil perpetrator, and likewise, Jesus will be the one to defeat satan in the end.  If you'd like a glimpse as to how it will all play out, reading the book of Revelations would be a good start.
Another message of the movie was encouraging each individual panda to discover what it is they were good at, and then putting their talent to use to benefit the entire community.  It's a lesson we could learn from if applied in the real world.  In the book of Romans, Paul made it clear we each have been granted special gifts to be used for God's glory.
"For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;  if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully."
~Romans 12:6
One final insight I had from the movie came when the pandas discovered their "inner power" began when they put their paws together.  As Christians, we have access to God's power through the avenue of prayer.  Often, however, like the pandas, we have forgotten how to use it.  In the end of the movie it was a united effort which brought about victory, and so it is in our Christian walk. 
Was this the intended message of the creators of "Kung Fun Panda 3"?  Most likely not.  But the Bible encourages us to seek, and this is what my seeking brain came up with! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Be a "Giving Heart"!

It comes around once a year here in North Dakota.  A proclamation is made by the governor and a day is chosen as "Giving Hearts Day".  Reading through the proclamation gives insight into the formation of the annual event, as well as how effective it has been in raising funds for organizations throughout our region.

Giving Hearts Day
Effective Date: 
February 11, 2016
WHEREAS, Giving Hearts Day was started in 2008 by the Dakota Medical Foundation and Impact Foundation as the first one-day ‘virtual’ fundraising event of its kind in the region; and
WHEREAS, this 24-hour online fundraising event in North Dakota and western Minnesota is dedicated to inspiring online donations for charities at; and
WHEREAS, Giving Hearts Day raised $325,000 for local charities in its first year and donations topped $1 million in 2011; and
WHEREAS, last year, $6.9 million was raised through more than 30,528 individual donations, with $4,645 donations per minute, directly benefitting 287 charities – and since its start, over $22.7 million has been raised; and
WHEREAS, the Dakota Medical Foundation and Impact Foundation developed to create a powerful regional user-friendly site for donors to find and connect with charities; nonprofits profile their organizations on the site, receive donations, recruit volunteers and take event registrations; and
WHEREAS, North Dakota citizens are encouraged to support Giving Hearts Day and to take action by volunteering or making financial donations to local charities.
NOW, THEREFORE, as Governor of the State of North Dakota, I do hereby proclaim February 11, 2016, GIVING HEARTS DAY in the state of North Dakota.
It is a win-win situation.  Donors have an opportunity to give to the causes of their choice, while having their donations matched dollar for dollar.  Organizations are given an "easy access" method of promoting their cause and get the benefit of receiving double for each gift offered.  Those who came up with the idea back in 2008 certainly started a good thing!

 Giving was an example set for us by our Heavenly Father.  We are reminded of this each time we hear the words of the much quoted John 3:16.
For God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish,
but have eternal life. (NIV)  
Another passage comes to mind, one which encourages us to be generous and giving when God has provided us with the resources to do so.  These words are found recorded in 1 Timothy 6:17-18.
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,
which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.
Verse 19 also gives us good reason to do so, stating those who are generous "will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so they may take hold of the life that is truly life".  There is also a promise in God's Word offering a reward to those who give.  This is found in Luke 6:38.
Give, and it will be given to you.
A good measure, pressed down, shaken together
and running over, will be poured into your lap.
For with the measure you use,
it will be measured to you.
You can be sure we will be checking out tomorrow.  This year we were excited to learn Trinity Christian School, where our grandchildren attend, is among the organizations listed.  We also have a burden for ND Teen Challenge, which rehabilitates those with alcohol and drug addictions and the Anne Carlsen Center in Jamestown which helps those with disabilities. 
Take time to check over your budget and see if God has allowed you any excess to share with others.  Then read through the list of possible recipients and find which causes touch your heart.  Take advantage of this opportunity to turn your ordinary heart into a giving heart.  Your effort will not go unnoticed by God and will reap benefits beyond what this world can offer!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Politics As Usual. . .or Another Way

Has anyone noticed it is a Presidential election year?  With the election still about nine months away, it seems there is no end to the bombardment of political jargon.  Thinking about the principles our country was founded on and comparing them to the focus of the current candidates makes my head spin.  Could it be there is another way of doing things besides "politics as usual"? 

Our local newspaper has a weekly column called "Pastor's Corner" in which our community's clergy take turns sharing their thoughts.  The article in last week's paper really spoke to my heart, and I'd like to share it with you here.  It reminds me there is another way. . .a better way. . .God's way!  Thank you, Pastor Zach, for nudging us to search for a fresh approach to sharing the freedom we enjoy having been blessed to live in these United States of America!

Monday, February 8, 2016

What's Your Uniqueness?

Tonight we had a planning meeting of sorts at our church, attempting to figure out what direction we should take to minister to the women who attend Crosby Assembly of God.  After throwing around some ideas, we've decided to create a questionnaire/survey to circulate, hoping to find a common ground on which we can put together a plan.

Prior to the meeting I came across a writing I did back in 2010 about uniqueness.  Perhaps part of the challenge in bringing together a bunch of women is acknowledging the unique ways God has created each of them.  The secret will be challenging each one to seek God's direction in their own life, while focusing on what they have to offer to the group as a whole. 

In what ways has your church ministered to women in the past?  What insights might you have for what is needed in today's church world?  Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section!

01/23/10 Uniqueness

There has been a lot of “weather talk” happening around town this week. Everyone has been bracing for the huge snowstorm predicted by those who understand the science of forecasting. Yet here we are, halfway through the week-end, and it hasn't materialized. There has been a slight accumulation since yesterday, but nowhere near the volume of snow we were expecting.

This morning I came across an interesting article about snowflakes in the Minot Daily News. It seems way back in 1885 a Vermont farmer by the name of William A. Bentley figured out a way to combine the use of a microscope and a bellows camera to produce photographs of individual snowflakes. By 1931 he had captured 2,500 such photos and combined them into a book called “Snow Crystals”. According to the article, Mr. Bentley referred to snowflakes as “miracles of beauty”, each a masterpiece of design, with no one design ever repeated. He also claimed when a snowflake melted, the design was forever lost.

Having lived in North Dakota my entire life, I've seen many a snowflake. Just this evening, as I walked under the street lights, I looked up to see a new batch gently swirling through the air. Could it possibly be true they were all unique? More amazingly, as I thought back over the 50+ years of my lifetime, and the many piles of snow I've encountered, could it be God was still coming up with new designs? In our human mind, this would seem impossible. What I've learned over the years, however, is when we think “impossible”, it's then God comes through with possibilities beyond anything we could imagine. Luke 1:37 assures us “nothing is impossible with God”. 

My reading drifted in another direction this afternoon. I came across a Hallmark gift book I had picked up at a sidewalk sale last summer. The name of the book is “YOU! God's Brand-New Idea” with a subtitle of “Made to be Amazing”. It is a compilation of excerpts from author Max Lucado's many books. His purpose in putting the book together was to bring focus to the “unique-to-you” design God has used in creating each one of us. Much like the snowflakes, God works into each person a special masterpiece of design. As we look back over history, we see multitudes of different people and are amazed how God keeps coming up with new designs.

A passage I often come back to is Acts 17:26-28. “From one man God made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being,” What I read into these verses is, “Hey! God made me as a part of His creation. He set the time of my birth and the time of my death. He even decided where I would live”. The King James Bible uses the words “hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation”. Not only did God choose for me to live in Crosby, ND, but He even determined I would live in a little green house at 303 South Main Street. 

Somehow, if He placed me here, at this particular time in history, He must have a reason behind it. Oh, yes, He did give the reason. . .so that I would seek Him, reach out for Him and find Him. What a wonderful assurance we have in knowing He is not far from each one of us! As each of us continues to seek God and His purposes for our life, we will find we can better understand each person's uniqueness and accept it as part of God's great plan. 

Next time you find yourself feeling like “one of the crowd”, think about snowflakes. Each one is unique, and so are you. Seek God and His purpose for designing you the way He did. Look for your strengths and use them to accomplish great things for Him. Remember, when you are gone, there will never be another you. Accept God's offer to make you whiter than snow and make the most of your uniqueness. Together we can create a storm capable of changing the world.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Forgetful or Faithful

For two days in a row I've forgotten to go to things which were on my schedule for three o'clock in the afternoon.  Yesterday my excuse was being busy baking cakes for an fundraising event.  The assignment was two lemon Bundt cakes.  I ended up making three when the first one didn't properly come out of the pan.  At least I was able to sample it, since it was a new recipe, and now we have a cake to eat, too!  But the massage I was supposed to enjoy instead got cancelled when I didn't show up on time.

Today I have no excuse.  I've known about the bridal shower for two weeks.  The present was purchased and sitting on my corner china cupboard waiting to be placed in a gift bag.  Just last night I told my husband, "Don't let me forget to go to the bridal shower tomorrow".  As it turned out, he forgot to remind me not to forget, and I arrived at the church just in time for the end of the shower.

Some might call it being scatterbrained or perhaps clutter-brained would be a better word.  What was distracting me from attending the shower was the clutter in my home.  My mind was occupied with getting to the bottom of the "piles" which have been taking up residence on our table for several weeks now.  Digging through the mess, I came across several letters which needed writing, so at least something was accomplished with my time.  But it really would have been more special being at the shower.  Interestingly, both missed events were marked on my calendar. . .I just forgot to look at it!

In the midst of my regrets, I find myself thankful for a God who never forgets.  His love is constant and He never gets distracted by the craziness of the world.  He has promised to be with us always, and better yet, according to Hebrews  10:23, "He who promised is faithful".  Faithful, even when I'm forgetful.  That's a good thought on days like today. . .and yesterday!

Friday, February 5, 2016

A Reason to Celebrate

Earlier this week a group of the Anderson relatives gathered for an evening meal at the Sunrise Care Center, our local nursing home.  Although the room is technically the "activity room", it has tables and chairs and a small kitchenette, making it the perfect place to come together.  Bert's aunt and uncle, Peggy and Leonard, are now residents of the nursing home, and it is easier for them to have us bring in a meal when a reason to celebrate arises.

 Our reason to celebrate this week was having their son, Brian, home for a visit from Hill City, South Dakota where he pastors the Lighthouse Assembly of God.  Aunt Arlene made a great batch of spaghetti, along with a lettuce salad.  A request was made for my fruit salad, and the meal was completed with garlic toast and an assortment of cakes and candies for dessert.
Put together family, food and fellowship and you can be sure laughter, smiles and hugs will join in.  Have you had a reason to celebrate this week?  If nothing else, say with the Psalmist:
"This is the day the Lord has made!
We will rejoice and be glad in it!"
~Psalm 118:24

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Message in a Song

Lately there has been a song sending me a message.  Although I remember hearing bits and pieces of the song in the past, it was within the last week I really heard what God was trying to say to me through it.  The title is simple.  "Breathe"  It is something we do every moment of every day.  It is how God designed us to maintain life in our bodies.  Sometimes, however, we get so busy with the things of life we forget to acknowledge our need of taking a spiritual breath along with our physical one.  Tonight, at the end of a busy day, I sense a need to look over the words and take a few deep and very purposeful breaths, asking God to quiet my mind and fill me with more of Him!

Alarm clock screaming bare feet hit the floor
It's off to the races everybody out the door
I'm feeling like I'm falling behind, it's a crazy life
Ninety miles an hour going fast as I can
Trying to push a little harder trying to get the upper hand
So much to do in so little time, it's a crazy life
It's ready, set, go it's another wild day
When the stress is on the rise in my heart I feel You say just

Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at My feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to just breathe

Third cup of joe just to get me through the day
Wanna make the most of time but I feel it slip away
I wonder if there's something more to this crazy life
I'm busy, busy, busy, and it's no surprise to see
That I only have time for me, me, me
There's gotta be something more to this crazy life
I'm hanging on tight to another wild day
When it starts to fall apart in my heart I hear You say just

Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at My feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need

Is to take it in fill your lungs
The Peace of God that overcomes
Just breathe
Let your weary spirit rest
Lay down what's good and find what's best
Just breathe

Just breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at My feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to just breathe
Just breathe

Publishing: ©2015 Centricity Music Publishing (ASCAP)/So Essential Tunes & Not Just Another Song (SESAC)/Wordspring Music, LLC & Tony Wood Songs (SESAC)

Writer(s): Words and Music by Jonny Diaz, Jonathan Smith and Tony Wood

To hear the song follow this link:

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Tonight the words of an old spiritual come to mind.  It tells of times in the Bible when there was trouble and Jesus came to the rescue.   When I can't control the events happening around me, I remember the chorus. . .

Trouble come my way (Trouble come my way)
Have to cry sometime (I Have to cry sometime)
Trouble come my way (Trouble come my way)
Have to cry sometime (I Have to cry sometime)
Lay awake at night (Lay awake at night)
But that's all right (That's all right), that's all right
Chorus 1:
I know my Jesus (Jesus, He will fix it)
Lord, I know my Jesus (Jesus, He will fix it)
Well, I know that Jesus (Jesus, He will fix it)
After a while (After a while)
Stepped into the furnace (Step into the furnace)
A long time ago (Long time ago)
With ole Shadrach (Shadrach, Meshach)
And Abed-Nego (And Abed-Nego)
Well, they didn't worry (They didn't worry)
'Cause this I know (This I know)       
Chorus 2:
They knew that Jesus (Jesus, He will fix it)
They knew that Jesus (Jesus, He will fix it)
They knew that Jesus (Jesus, He will fix it)
After a while (After a while)
When you are hurting (When you're hurting)
And on your face it's shown (Pain is shown)
But you keep on trying (You keep tryin')
To bear the pain alone (All alone)
You know you need to give it to Jesus (Give it to the Master)
He can handle the load (Heavy load)
Yes, the troubles will come.  And I can't fix it.  But Jesus will. . .after awhile! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What Do You Do [With Your Time]?

One of the joys of my retirement has been participating in a group called the "Music Makers". On a weekly basis we provide entertainment for the residents in our local nursing home, and once a month also perform for the people who reside in our assisted living center.  With an accordion, guitars, harmonicas, banjo and rhythm sticks backing me up, singing the "old time music" never gets old.
The last time we played at the assisted living center, one of the ladies asked me an interesting question.  She just happens to be 102 years old, and still maintains her own apartment attached to a shared common area.  As I joined her for refreshments following our performance, she looked me in the eye and asked, "What do you do with your time?"  Immediately my mind went blank.  I found myself re-asking the question in my mind.  "What DO I do with my time??"  Had I been thinking, I would have asked her what she would do with her time if she could return to my age!
The next day, morning arrived and I found myself wondering what I would do with my time, and whether or not it would be useful in the overall scheme of things.  Mondays and Wednesdays I begin the day at the Lighten Up Wellness Center, doing a Women on Weights class.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays a stretch and breathe yoga class starts the day.  Over the years I have found a consistent exercise program to be helpful in maintaining both physical and mental health.
Often, after exercise time is complete, I make my way over to Mabel's house.  Mabel is my aunt and godmother and an inspiration to many in our community.  In her 90's, she maintains a positive outlook on life, despite the health issues she battles.  Although many think the visits are for Mabel's benefit, they usually are just what I need to fuel my day.
Evaluating the remaining time in my days, I found housework, laundry, cooking and dishes were responsible for a good chunk of time, but more and more what I found as the week progressed was a great deal of time was wasted scrolling through Facebook.  Along with a desire to follow my daughter and son in their commitment to a "February Facebook Fast", came an added dimension to my own fast. . .making better use of my time.  Perhaps by my next visit with one of our community's centurions I will have a better answer as to what it is which captivates my time!


Monday, February 1, 2016

February Facebook Fast

It began with our daughter declaring she was going off Facebook for the month.  This is something she does periodically and swears it is a very healthy thing to do.  Following her example, our son also decided to say no to social media for the month of February.  And so it is I decided to join them in saying good-bye to Facebook for a month.  At least it is a short month, so hopefully I can survive!

After day one, however, I must admit it has been rather freeing.  More housework was accomplished than has been done in a long time.  The dishes were actually washed and put away and I had a nice visit with my mother-in-law this evening while Bert was at the City Council meeting. 

Back home I did take some time to check my email and clear out some of the many unnecessary items in my inbox.  In the course of doing so, I came across a devotional called, "Jesus Needed Rest and So Do You".  It focused on the story from Mark 4:35-40 where Jesus is found sleeping in the boat.  The three points emphasized were taking time for connecting with God, taking time for connecting with others and taking time for yourself. 

My prayer for this time of "Facebook Fasting" includes doing a bit more of all three.  Although I will be disconnected with others by way of Facebook, I hope to connect more in person or in "old fashioned" ways like writing actual letters to people.

The other avenue of connection I hope to expand on is my blogging.  Over the past several months I have been jotting done ideas as God gives them to me, but Facebook time always managed to take away the time I should have used to blog. 

And so here we are at the end of day one. . .