Monday, January 10, 2022

AZ Getaway - Day 1

For a number of years, Bert’s brother, Kent, has been working towards having us join him in attending a National Gospel Quartet Convention.  Their dad was a huge fan of quartet music, and sang bass for many years with a local group, with their mom accompanying on the piano.  The locations have varied, and for just as many reasons it has not worked out. . .until this year.

With this year’s convention being held in Arizona, we would have the added bonus of visiting their Uncle Wayne, who has a beautiful home in a retirement community in Mesa, AZ.  Plans were finalized just before Christmas, and after several long weeks of North Dakota sub-zero winter weather, we are finally able to escape for a week away from the cold.  According to the forecast, we are supposed to enjoy temperatures in the 70’s all week.  

We were up and on the road to Minot before dawn, with our flight scheduled to leave at 11:20.  It is nice to have the option of a direct flight to Mesa from a number of North Dakota cities, and it was smooth sailing all the way.  The full flight told us we weren’t the only ones wanting to escape the cold!

While waiting for Uncle Wayne to arrive, I looked down to find a fun surprise on the pavement. . .a dime! It was even heads up, so I claimed it as my “Welcome to Arizona” treat.  

It’s always good to see Uncle Wayne, and the sunshine and warm temperatures were a welcome change from back home!

Fresh flowers and a lemon tree also welcomed us.  It is such a treat to be able to sit outside enjoying fresh air and sunshine in January!

Our afternoon took us to a nearby WalMart where we stocked up on groceries and snacks for the week.  We settled on Olive Garden for our evening meal, which was close by.  The evening for Bert and his uncle has been spent watching a National Championship College football game between Georgia and Alabama.  From what I’m hearing, the game has been an exciting one!

Meanwhile, you can find me in the bedroom playing cards with the grandkids!  I enjoy playing solitaire, and brought my new deck of cards, a gift from our daughter for Christmas!

Looking forward to see what tomorrow brings, and thanking God for allowing us safe travels!

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