Thursday, January 13, 2022

AZ Getaway - Day 3

Keeping yesterday’s cheesecake in mind, our morning walk ended up 1,500 steps longer than yesterday.  We ventured to the recreation center, and found a couple of places we would enjoy if staying longer. . .a sewing/quilt room for me, and a wood shop for Bert.  Bert claimed they had better tools than he does at Bert’s Woodworks!

With Wayne off to a doctor appointment, the rest of the morning was spent leisurely on his deck.  With a book to read, water with lemon picked fresh from his tree, some snacks, and beautiful sunshine, it doesn’t get much better. . .especially when you’ve been experiencing sub-zero temperatures for the past couple of weeks back home in North Dakota.

Once Wayne returned, he told us to “take the car and go explore!”.  So we did, and ended up at a huge antique mall for a trip down memory lane, complete with the best music from the 60’s.  One lady caught me singing along, and was glad she wasn’t the only one!  My find was a unique bell with Joseph, Mary, & Baby Jesus on their flight to Egypt.  Also saw many items we have in our home, some of which we are still using. . .does that make us antiques??

At 4pm we joined Wayne for a visit at his cousin, Bonnie’s place at another retirement village not far away.  She and her husband, Garth, are from Iowa, but spend their winters in Arizona.  Bert’s brother, Kent, flew in from Dickinson, ND this afternoon and sister, JoAnn from St. Cloud, MN, so they joined us for a wonderful evening of good food and great fellowship.  Family is so special!  

With an evening of “sitting around visiting”, it took a lot of stepping in place to reach my 11,000 step goal for the day!  But make it, I did!!👣

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