Wednesday, January 26, 2022

AZ Getaway - Day 7

It was a short drive to Wayne's church, Broadway Christian Church, and we found there was a full house for the 9 o'clock "Classic Service".  We enjoyed the hymns and worship songs reminiscent of our early days as a married couple in the late 70's.  The sermon was given by one of the associate pastors, and was a message which featured a chess game.  His emphasis was, no matter what you are currently facing, God is already several moves ahead of you, and has a plan to "work all things together for good" in your life.  That wording is found in one of my favorite verses, Romans 8:28.

For lunch, we returned to "Nana Dee's Diner" and a 20 minute wait before enjoying another good meal. 

For the afternoon, JoAnn directed us to a place called the "Boyce Thompson Arboretum" where we spent several hours exploring lots of plants from all over the world.  One of my favorites was an African sumac, since we have a variety of sumac growing in our front yard.  They grow them bigger in Africa!

Another meaningful plant was the "Crucifixion Thorn", which made me appreciate all Jesus endured prior to enduring the cross.  There were also so many interesting succulents, cacti, and flowers, which made for an enjoyable afternoon.

Back at Wayne's there was time for one last walk before we ventured off to find a steak place for our evening meal.  Then it was time to pack the bags.  We had to be ready to leave for the airport at 5:15am for our flight back to North Dakota.  They say "all good things must come to an end", but it is nice to know Wayne will be ready to host us again for another visit whenever we get tired of the cold!    

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