Saturday, January 15, 2022

AZ Getaway - Day 5

The day began with the grapefruit I promised myself yesterday. . .sweet, juicy, and quite a treat for this North Dakota girl in January!

JoAnn, Bert & I decided on a morning walk, and ventured down Calle Grande Circle.  I wanted to walk the entire “circle” to see how far it was, but the other two turned back after a ways.  I called my dear friend, Charlene, and we walked and talked for a total of 2 miles before the circle was complete and I was back at Wayne’s house once again.  So many unique and beautiful plants growing in the yards, including some I plant every summer back home.  Who knew my little Lantana plants would eventually grow into shrubs if winter didn’t get in the way??  Even a patch of snapdragons to remind me of Aunt Sue!

Hungry after our walking, we ventured out to find someplace for lunch.  Bert was hungry for a sub sandwich, so we found a nearby “Jimmy John’s” to satisfy his craving.  From there we found an even bigger antique mall, with so many fun things to see.  I ended up purchasing a cup and saucer for myself, and something special to bring back to our granddaughter.  Saw lots of items I would have liked to purchase, like a very unique Nativity and an ornate old piano, but for now pictures will have to satisfy!

After our time at the Antique Mall, what better treat than Dairy Queen!  And I was thrilled to find out they do my favorite, the “Choco Cherry Love Blizzard!

Our supper and evening entertainment was at a place called “Organ Stop Pizza”.  Good pizza, and a great time enjoying the music from the world’s largest Wurlitzer Pipe Organ.  The organist takes requests from the audience and we heard everything from Star Wars and James Bond theme music to Sound of Music and patriotic tributes to the branches of service.  It is not just a musical treat, but also features a variety of lights and assorted other instruments positioned in the ceiling.  A must see if you ever get to Mesa!  What makes it even more fun is seeing the platform holding the organ rise up out of the floor, and then rotate back and forth to give everyone a good look at the massive four keyboard  organ.

Our days have been so full of blessings, and it was good to end the day once again visiting around Uncle Wayne’s table!

1 comment:

  1. We are on a road trip to Arizona! Will pick up my sisters and brother in law and niece and nephew at the airport. We’ve rented a house for 10 days and we’d already said that we wanted to go to Organ Stop Pizza. We’ve got so many things planned that I had to make a calendar to hang on the fridge.
