Wednesday, January 26, 2022

AZ Getaway - Day 6

While waiting for Kent to arrive for our breakfast date, JoAnn and I decided to take a walk.  She has a one mile route she uses that includes a stop at the koi fish pond, and today we had the bonus of a couple of geese that wanted in on some of the food we had to offer.  (There is a machine next to the fish where you can get a handful for 25¢)  It was fun to watch both the fish and the geese.  

We arrived back at Wayne's house to find Kent and Bert ready to venture off to a place called "Over Easy", which was recommended by their brother, Doug, who has spent quite a bit of time in Arizona with their uncle.  It was such a fun place!  Quaint, retro decor, great food, and the best fresh squeezed orange

Bert and Kent took off on a venture of their own, leaving Wayne, JoAnn & I at the house.  Wayne was relaxing in his favorite reading chair, and JoAnn snuggled on the couch for a nap, so I ventured on another walk.  Originally, I planned to do the Calle Grande Circle, but then decided to explore another part of the complex.  I found a music room, which was locked, another pool, and lots of turtles to remind me of Ryan!  Of course, there were lots of flowers, plants, and fruits that caught my attention, too!  Taking another route back, I zigzagged the streets until I found the sign "Calle Grande Circle" and knew it would take me where I needed to be!

Back at Wayne's I found Bert and Kent had returned, bringing with them some fresh oranges they had purchased along the way.  I had also picked up a couple of lemons from a bag along the sidewalk which had a sign, "Take Some!"  Fresh lemonade is a real treat.  

We took time out for some pictures by Wayne’s “Bison” [he’s a graduate of NDSU and a huge fan of their football team!] before Kent left us for his flight back to Dickinson.

On another walk to the koi pond, we also saw a pair of ducks nearby.  They were so fun to watch! Checking out the bulletin boards, I found lots of things I would enjoy being involved in.  For now, however, walking seemed to be the best choice of passing the time!  And, of course, finding time to do some more reading!  

It was decided our supper tonight would be at "In & Out Burger" in honor of our son, Ryan.  Ever since he traveled the US with a rock band, it has been his favorite burger place.  Too bad they don't have them in the Midwest!  We found one not far away, and discovered it was a popular place.  There must have been at least 25-30 cars lined up at the drive-up!  We opted to go in and sit down instead!

Back at Wayne's, the guys watched football, and JoAnn and I found a program to watch on the other TV. . .a "who done it" kind of lawyer show, "McBride" on the Hallmark channel.  We must be good detectives, as we both had it figured out before the show was over!

Decided to shower this evening, as we needed to be up early for church in the morning!  Our days in Arizona are quickly coming to a close!

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