Saturday, January 15, 2022

AZ Getaway - Day 4

Our morning began at a fun place called “Nana Dee’s Diner”, which was all decked out 50’s style with decor and music to bring you a step back in time.  Great food, and more special time with ones we love.

JoAnn had in mind a place she wanted us to visit, but said we should leave around 11, so there was time for a walk.  I ventured the opposite way on the golf course walking path just behind Wayne’s house, and enjoyed the sunshine and 70 degree weather.  The designers of Leisure World included lots of big, beautiful trees and ponds, for a tranquil setting.  I even spotted a little hummingbird busy having lunch from one of the unique plants of the area.

Returning to home base, I grabbed another lemon to add to my water for the day. . .so refreshing!  Then JoAnn, Bert & I hopped in Wayne’s car with “Goldfield” as our destination.  It is an area next to a once active gold mine, where a little ghost town has been built up.  Mine tours are available, as well as rides on a cute little train.  Little shops similar to those in Medora, ND tempted out pocketbooks, and we also enjoyed some prickly pear lemonade and a treat from the ice cream parlor.  It was a fun place to visit, with an awesome view of Superstition Mountain, where many go for hikes. We passed on that part of the adventure!

JoAnn was the navigator to get us to Goldfield and back, while I observed how different the landscape was from back home.  Both flat and stretching for miles, but very different vegetation.  We chuckled at Siri’s command to “stay in the middle five lanes” once we made it onto the freeway.  That certainly wouldn’t happen in North Dakota!

After returning to Wayne’s we found a surprise waiting.  He had been to a neighbor’s house and picked us some grapefruit to sample!  It was tempting to try, but will wait and have one for breakfast tomorrow.    

Kent was due to arrive shortly, so we could have an early supper before heading to the Mesa Arts Center for an evening at the Southwest Gospel Music Festival.  I’m finding the back deck is a great place to relax with a good book. . .on to book #2 of the trip.  Fun to watch the birds at the feeder, too!

We had planned to eat at a Chipotle restaurant, until Kent spotted Red Lobster and took a detour!  I found salmon on the menu, and Bert had a “sampling” of three kinds of shrimp, which ended up being a massive plateful!  Enough for him, and a to go box full to give Wayne a meal later.  No lobster eaters among us, but they were waiting in the entry to greet us!

It was an easy commute to the Mesa Art Center, with Kent as our driver in his rental pickup.  Found out it is a massive venue with very unique architecture.

What followed was four hours of southern gospel music in a beautiful concert hall.  Featured groups of the night were Legacy 5, Cana’s Voice, and Booth Brothers, plus a comedian, Tim Lovelace.  Powerful music, and also fun to have some “audience participation” singing, which was extra special sitting next to Kent, who likes to sing harmony like I do!


Back at Wayne’s, we finished off the Cheesecake Factory cheesecake before calling it a night!

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