Tuesday, January 11, 2022

AZ Getaway - Day 2

The start to my day differs from Bert’s.  He tends to rise earlier, and while on vacation enjoys finding a newspaper to read.  After our early rising yesterday, my body preferred sleeping a little later, and once I got moving, I found him deep in his thoughts out on Wayne’s patio, which overlooks the 7th hole of the golf course.  With Wayne at a dentist appointment, we decided to follow the walking path along the golf course to see what we could discover.

Just a few houses down was a friendly man, who greeted us, and then teased we needed to leave a dollar to pass.  Bert told him we’d catch him on the way back!  Many yards had fruit trees. . .oranges, lemons, grapefruits. . .and I couldn’t imagine living somewhere with fresh fruit so readily available.  Other yards had interesting cactus, and a variety of plants foreign to this North Dakota prairie girl. By the time we returned, we had put on over 2,000 steps together.

When Wayne returned home, he encouraged us to take his car and go exploring.  We found an oak furniture store with some good ideas for the office space yet to be finished back home.  

Feeling like a light lunch, Bert had me track down the nearest Chick-fil-a, which we located in a huge mall not far away.  

Wouldn’t you know, there was a Dairy Queen for dessert just across the food court!

It also featured a double decker carousel with very unique characters to sit on. My favorites were the deer and the eagle.  Could it be because those remind me of my dad and father-in-law?

Without much reason to shop, it was fun to just sit and “people watch” for a time.  Moving out into the sunshine made this even more enjoyable, as we found a spot near the tall Christmas tree still decorating the outdoor space.

We discovered a movie theatre, and found if we waited another half an hour, we could take in a movie we had wanted to see.  “American Underdog” is a movie documenting the story of NFL football quarterback, Kurt Warner.  Having already read the book written by he and his wife, “First Things First”, it was fun to see the story unfold on the big screen.  The movie didn’t disappoint!

Something to get used to here is the fact it gets dark by supper time.  We are so spoiled being on the western edge of daylight savings time, enjoying long evenings of daylight. . .especially during the summer months when daylight savings time stretches those hours even further.  As the sun went down, the question was asked, “Where should we eat supper?” It was decided none of us were very hungry, so a quick burger might be good.  We knew there was a “5 Guys & a Burger” fast food spot just up the road, but also checked out how far it was to “In & Out Burger”, our son’s favorite.  It was further away, so for tonight, “5 Guys” won out.  And a penny found on a chair was our reward!

The evening found the guys back in front of the TV, this time for basketball and some kind of detective show.  As for me, catching up on some reading and a few rounds of my word game kept me occupied.  Our dessert was something special we picked up after the movie. . .from the Cheesecake Factory!  It was lemon for Wayne and Banana Cream for Bert and I.  Might have to take a longer walk tomorrow!

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