Saturday, January 8, 2011

Come Into My World

For some time now my daughter has been blogging.  I love reading her posts and having a little window into her world as a young mother.  Looking back, I think it would have been a healthy thing to have such an outlet when I was her age!  And so tonight, while my husband and son are busy with football playoffs and I find myself alone in my world, I decided to start my own blog.  It may be just what I need to let go of my feelings when there is no one available to listen. 

As I was doing the dishes this evening the gentle voice of Amy Grant filled the empty spaces of the kitchen.  She is someone I first listened to when my children were young.  A couple of years ago, we found one of her Christmas album to enjoy.  Last fall, as we left on a road trip, we realized we had forgotten to bring a supply of CD's with.  A stop at a Bible Book Store brought several new CD's into our possession, one of them being an Amy Grant album entitled, "Somewhere Down the Road".  I have really enjoy listening to it.  Tonight, as I was thinking about what I might title my blog, the song "Come Into My World" came across the speakers.  What a great title!  Come Into My World.  As the song says, "If you are brave then come into my world!" 


  1. I wish you the best on your blogging. As you know when you wish to let go of your feelings. Some One is always in the room.

  2. Thanks for the reminder, Mark! Why is it we are so quick to forget God is our constant companion? He is always there to talk to. . .no need to feel alone!
