Sunday, January 9, 2011


Sometimes I feel like I was meant to stay in the 60's and 70's as far as technology.  This is the time frame in which I grew up.  I'm comfortable there.  It seems I drag my feet in accepting the "latest and greatest" advances in technology.  When we first purchased a computer I was scared to death. . .until my brother encouraged me to "play with it".  He assured me there was nothing I could do to it that couldn't somehow be undone.  And I'm still learning.  I'm thinking I need to confer with my daughter on some of the details of this blogging adventure.  Seems there are way too many options and settings.  Is anything just "simple" anymore?

We finally broke down and got a cell phone.  Nothing fancy.  Just the basic phone to have along when we travel in case there is an emergency and we need to contact someone.  Although I keep it in my purse, it is seldom used.  As my husband says, "I really don't want everyone to be able to contact me anytime they want!"  There are times my son must just shake his head at my cell phone illiteracy.  Who knew to see the whole message you just push OK?  And to get back to the screen you don't have to open and shut the phone, just hit END?  These are things I'm learning. . .slowly.

And I'm not into texting.  I'm sorry. . .if I want to tell you something, I want you to hear my voice.  So much meaning is lost when you simply read words on a screen.  And I love to hear other people's responses by way of their voice, instead of waiting for them to click out their reply on the keypad.  Call me "old fashioned".  Call me "behind on the times".  It's just the way I am.  God accepts me this way, so why shouldn't you, too?

Then there is Facebook.  A wonderful tool.  My husband's oldest sister encouraged me to sign up to help stay in touch with family.  With my 3 siblings and my husband's 9, there is a lot of family out there.  I enjoy getting a peek into their world by way of status updates and photos posted.  I decided from the start I wasn't going to search out a lot of friends.  I made a deal with God to accept whoever He sent my way.  So far it's been a good experience.  I've been able to connect better with old friends.  It has provided me with new friends.  It has given me an opportunity to know people better and be of encouragement when needed.  It has given an avenue to share my weekly devotional writings.  ["Saturday Seeking"-if you're inteterested in learning about these, let me know!]  Still, I find myself wasting too much of my precious time all by myself in front of a computer screen, aimlessly scrolling from comment to comment, clicking a "like" button here, leaving a comment there.  What ever happened to "getting together with friends"?  I mean. . .in person??  Growing up there was a group of us who got together often to play games, listen to music, share experiences first hand.  Somehow it seems to be a lost art, and I miss it!

Technology. . .a good thing.  Without it we would still be living in the horse and buggy days.  But there is also room for some of the "good old fashioned way we used to do things".  Anyone interested in joining me?  

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