Sunday, January 16, 2011

Football & Water Walking

It seems these two things would have little in common.  Still, through watching one, the other made sense.  It's football playoff season, so our TV has been tuned in to the games whenever they are on.  Today's second game was especially important, as our son's favorite team was playing.  It being Sunday, I missed the first half of the game.  (Sunday afternoons are a great time to nap.)  When I came on the scene, his team was down and struggling.  The quarterback, who rarely threw interceptions, had his first in a long time.  The offensive line allowed 5 quarterback sacks.  From my vantage point, it appeared they had lost their drive.  Although they did score two more touchdowns, they lost the game by seven points.

My husband and I missed the final minutes of the game, as we attend a Bible Study in our pastor's home on Sunday nights.  We are doing a DVD Study series entitled, "If You Want to Walk on Water You've Got to Get Out of the Boat".  The lessons have been challenging us to recognize our giftings, and then encouraging us to be willing to move out of our comfort zone to use them for God's Kingdom work.  Putting this in the perspective of a football game, I thought of our church as a team.  Each one involved in the church has been given a special assignment from God, much as the coach of a football team has a special task for each of his players.  When all of the players don't give their best effort individually, the result is an unsuccessful effort by the whole.

One good thing about joining up with God is already knowing His team wins in the end.  The decision we face is whether we want to be an active player or simply sit on the sidelines observing.  One of the questions in our Bible study tonight was reflecting on what the other 11 disciples were thinking when they saw Peter walking on the water.  I don't know about you, but I'm willing to be out there trying instead of missing all the action.  As for that special assignment. . .guess I'd better go meet up with the Head Coach and see what He has in mind!

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