Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday WOW's

Wednesday at our house means a quick evening meal.  Shortly after 6:30 my husband takes off in our Suburban to pick up kids to bring to our church.  Several other vehicles around town are doing the same.  We originally used a 15 passenger van to pick up all the kids who came to our Wednesday night children's ministry.  Now we use the van [don't tell, but I do believe they cram more than 15 in there!] and 5 other adult leaders each bring more kids in their personal vehicles.  If anyone has a good deal on a used bus, let us know! 

On a typical Wednesday night we have between 40 and 50 kids, ages 3 through those in 8th grade.  We begin together in the church sanctuary and sing a couple of lively songs.  From there we divide the kids into groups.  Those who are 3 and 4 years old are called "Rainbows".  My group is usually girls in kindergarten, although this year I also have the 1st graders.  We are the "Daisies".  The next age level of girls are called "Prims", followed by "Stars", and "Friends".  My husband is in charge of boys in kindergarten through 3rd grade, and the older boys usually get together at our school gym.  They are known as "Rangers".  It's a lively crew, but we love the fact we can plant the seeds of a Christian life in these youngsters.

When these kids go home at 8:00, another group gathers in the sanctuary.  These are the junior high and high school age kids.  There is more singing, a devotional (sometimes led by one of the youth) and prayer time, followed by a time for playing games and simply "hanging out".  Tonight we were treated by special guests. . .two brothers and a sister from a local home school famly who came to minister to us in song and testimony.  A delicious lunch of pizza, fresh fruit & bars was provided after the service.  It was a wonderful time of fellowship for both the kids and the adults who came to help.

Why does our church take time for the kids?  I guess it is because we are trying to pattern our lives after Jesus, and He always took time for children.  In Matthew 19:13-15 we find people bringing the children to Jesus to have Him lay His hands on them and be prayed for.  The disciples rebuked them for doing so, but Jesus was quick to respond.  “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 

So Wednesdays are a busy day for us.  But it is a fun kind of busy.  The reward is seeing the smiling faces and lives impacted for the Lord.  There may be a few gray hairs acquired along the way, but in eternity it won't matter.  Instead, it is then we will learn the stories of how seeds planted on a Wednesday night eventually grew into fruit God could use in His Kingdom.

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