Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Morning Pep Talk

It was one of those mornings.  I slept past my alarm.  While in the shower I received a work related call about a problem one of my co-workers was experiencing.  It was cold outside, and I really didn't feel like going to work.  Then I got in the car.  My new car.  I really like it, and feel blessed to be able to have it.  An added blessing is the leftover XM radio we get to enjoy until the contract runs out.  (The car, although new to us, is not brand new.   It is a year old, and was a lease return.)  The song playing this morning was just for me. . ."There's a Light at the End of This Tunnel" by a group called Third Day.  Here's a link to a video of the song.  It was a "pick me up" for my day.  Perhaps it's just what you need, too!

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