Saturday, August 16, 2014

Thoughts, Fruit and Seeking

Our week has been a busy one, due to the fact we had a nightly appointment with a group of children for Vacation Bible School at our church.  We did lots of singing, had nightly visits with Moses [a/k/a Pastor Dennis], played fun games and took time to learn Bible verses.

Day one taught us about Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and even gave a visual of the parting of the Red Sea.  The focus was on the fact God is with us.  The second day taught about God giving us what we need and allowed the children to experience the provision of manna and quail.

Next came a look back at what happened at the first Passover, leading to a discussion of God sending His own perfect "Lamb" in the form of Jesus to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.  Yes, God saves us!  The final day featured the giving of the Ten Commandments, and taught these rules were given to guide us.  For all four reasons, God with us, providing for us, saving us and guiding us, we can trust Him.

By the time Thursday arrived and we were doing the last of the activities planned, I was ready to be done.  I was tired.  Thankfully, I was able to sleep in on Friday morning.  Then our busy week got even busier with a trip to Williston to pick up the four grandchildren for a final overnight stay before school starts next week.

We shared supper with the extended family, enjoyed the new playground equipment nearby, and then brought out the books, Barbies, Legos and GIJoes.  By the time their parents arrived today to retrieve them, it was safe to say a good time was had by all.

Looking back, Thursday I had some thoughts to share, but was too tired to take the time to do so.  Friday, as I was putting the grandkids to bed, I thought about which fruit of the Spirit would fit for the day.  My conclusion was all nine came into play at one point or another.  When Grandpa got the last little one to sleep, all I could think of doing was the same.

Now here we are at the end of the day on Saturday.  As I thought about "Saturday Seeking", I was also reminded of a daily activity we shared with the kids at Vacation Bible School called "God Sightings".  We were to encourage them to keep their eyes open for things in our everyday world which remind us of God and His great love for us.  Back in the day, we used to call it "counting our blessings".

Today I didn't have to look far.  Four beautiful children who call me "Grandma" were reason enough to remind me how blessed I am.  Yes, they make me tired at the end of the day, but it is a good kind of tired.

As I look back on our final memory verse from earlier in the week, Psalm 16:7 comes as a reminder:

"I will bless the Lord who guides me."
Another version puts it this way:
"I will praise the Lord who counsels me."
Reading the entire chapter to take in the context of the verse, I find in verses 6 and 9 a good summary of my week:
"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
Surely I have a delightful inheritance."
"Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
My body will also rest secure."
Feeling thankful, but also grateful God included a day of rest each week!

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