Saturday, August 23, 2014

Each One Unique

The day started out rather gloomy.  By noon, a gentle mist began.  At some point in the afternoon, the mist turned into sprinkles.  Come evening, the assessment became a "steady rain".  I'm not sure how much rain we've received today, but the rain barrel is once again full and overflowing.

For our evening meal, we decided to have salads fresh from the garden.  The rain was still pretty gentle when I stepped out to the backyard to retrieve some lettuce and carrots.  Several cucumbers were already in the refrigerator.

With all the moisture, the carrots were easy to pull out, so I decided to finish pulling most of those left in the first of three rows.  It was interesting to find carrots of every size and shape.  Some were long and skinny.  Others were short and fat.  Several were wrapped around other carrots, so ended up twisted in shape.  The oddest shaped one had one main "leg" and three other shorter ones.  No matter what their appearance, each was unique.

As I washed them off in the sink, I saw a picture of what God must see when He looks down on us.  Here we are, down on His earth, each one with a completely unique look and personality.  Beyond looks, God also designed each one of us with a specific personality and the ability to accomplish something special for Him.

Ephesians 2:10 says we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  Have you figured out what your assignment is?  If not, there's another Bible verse which will help you:

"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." 
~James 4:8a
You see, the closer you are to Him, the easier it will become to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding you in the way you should go.  The rest of the verse also has some advice for you:
"Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts,
you double-minded."  ~James 4:8b
Yes, just like the carrots, we're best when we're all cleaned up!  : )

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